Sunday 29 July 2007

I think I should change my surname to Monaghetti??

All this talk about Cadell Evans and the Tour de France.....They should all be talking about me and my big run I say!!!!
Ha ha ha!!!! AS IF!!!! (Just quietly I do feel rather proud though.....of both Cadell Evans and myself)

Went for my 21km run....Finished in 2.5 hours. This makes me realise my run the other day was shorter than 20kms. This one felt pretty good until around 16-17kms when my lower back pain kicked in. I had to keep stopping and touching my toes to ease the pain. I also had to make a quick dash into my house at about the 20km mark for some juice as I felt like I may have dropped dead otherwise....I was totally "spent"!! The juice gave me the extra energy needed for the last km.

I am now convinced we were not meant to run this far. How on earth do people do the marathon??? I find after about 2 hours I am so mentally "bored" and I can't even come up with things to think of or focus on. As sad as it is, I often use my running time to think up new outfits to wear. What a tool!!!! I just find it a good way to take the focus off the run.

On a "non-running" note, I took my dogs to the park this morning and, once again, Max bit all the big dogs and had to be moved to an area all by himself. I don't know what is wrong with him?? He has gotten increasingly aggressive ever since we got him over a year ago. He has also started to "snarl" at young children so I now can't have him anywhere near them. God help me if I ever have a child!! Jack played nicely as usual but kept jumping up on all the people's laps and annoying them. He is such a friendly dog but sometimes too friendly for some!!! I wish I could have two lovely, well-behaved dogs that listened to everything I said. I guess it is my fault for spoiling them rotten!

I have 3 more days left of "non-work" before starting my new job. I just LOVE being at home and doing whatever I want. I wish I was rich and did not have to work! Woe is me!!!

I am still trying to decide where to go away to at the end of the year. I would love to go back to Thailand but I should probably try something new and venture to Vietnam. I love holidays!!! Asia is so cool!!! I love the warmth, the shopping, the food and the relaxation I can indulge in....Heaven!

I shall sign off now and get back to my beloved TV.
I am so excited that Zach and Aleisha are the last 2 housemates in the Big Brother House....GO ZACH!!!!

Miss Pinky

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