Monday 9 July 2007

Back to the Grind

The weekend is over and I am back in hell! To top it off it is such horrible weather today...It is absolutely pouring rain....make that "torrential" rain. I was so tempted to call in sick today. I know I have only been here for about 8 weeks but I thought "stuff it...I am trying to leave here anyway". I ended up getting out of bed but only because I was scared if I stayed home I would eat all day!

I had a fairly good weekend. On Friday night I went to the Gym and did some weights. It was very easy which has made me think my routine is not very good. I took the dogs for a quick run at the park and Jack went crazy because it was his first off-leash run since his operation. I then spent the rest of the night watching TV on the lounge, which I love! Most Friday nights I always fall asleep on the couch and get woken up by J at about 1am to go to bed. I have a really full-on weekday routine, which sees me get around 6 hours sleep a night, which is why I am so tired at the weekend. Ideally, I need at least 8 hours sleep a night to function.

On Saturday, we went and saw the trainer we were going to sign up with. Only problem is that she wanted 3 sessions per week at $90 each session. I also hated the Gym she works out of. It is very cold and in desperate need of a makeover! We told her we would sign up but J called her yesterday and told her we just can't afford it. I actually feel very relieved because I find that the more I totally focus on weight loss, the more I end up bingeing. After we met with her, J went and bought a whole lot more supplements from the vitamin shop to help him "bulk up". He has to take so many tablets and powders...I hope he achieves what he wants. I actually think he has a very nice body so I am not sure why he punishes himself to change it. Anyway, I guess that is his choice.

We took the dogs to the park on Saturday afternoon. It is a great off-leash dog park in Leichhardt which has a cafe in the middle that you can eat at and the dogs just walk around the tables. They serve really yummy and cheap food and they also do "puppacinos" for the dogs. This is some cinnamon drink that the dogs LOVE. It was a nice warm day so it was nice to sit in the sun. Jack had a ball because he enjoys nothing more than running with other dogs. Max just sits near me as he is not very sociable. I think he may think he is a human actually. He is a funny dog. We got him from the pound and he had a very hard life prior to that so he can get very snappy with big dogs and pretty much just likes to hang around J and I. He sleeps in bed in between J and I with his head on the pillow just like a person. He is very cute.

(*****Part of the roof at my work just collapsed with the rain. Ha ha ha!!! This place is such a shi*hole!!!!*****)

I saw a great DVD on Saturday night....Blood Diamond. It is an awesome movie about the diamond trade in Sierra Leone. Such a hard-hitting film and Leonardo Dicaprio does an amazing job. It was a film that really made me "think" long after it had finished. I love films like that. I don't think I will be buying a diamond any time soon!

Yesterday (Sunday) I took the dogs to the park in the morning but this time a yucky off-leash park near my area. It is really muddy and small and it stinks but it is very close to home so a good option if we are short for time. Max bit dogs as soon as we arrived so I had to take him to the "other side of the fence" alone so he couldn't hurt any other dogs. It is sooooo embarrassing when he carries on! He is so small but so feisty! After the park J and I went and had a look around the shopping centre. He was looking for some new glasses and I got myself a cute little dress. Yesterday afternoon we did a PUMP class at the Gym. I was really happy with how I did. I tried so hard and exceeded my own expectations. I was very sore afterwards but I had a protein drink straight after and put deep heat on my arms and I am much better today. I have decided that instead of doing my own boring routine 3 times a week, I will do 3 PUMP classes instead, as well as 3 cardio sessions.

My weight is still bad but I did not overdo my food too much on the weekend. I am trying to be more positive now....If I eat well and exercise regularly then changes will happen. My goal for this week is to have yoghurt or fruit for morning tea instead of banana bread and to have lean meat and salad for my evening meal, instead of starchy carbs. I will see if this has any impact on my weight. I have already cut out most nights of dessert, which I am so proud of!

This Sunday I am having a small BBQ at my house. A few people from my old work are coming. I hate people seeing me when I have put on a few kilos but I have to try not to think about that! It will be good to catch up. We will keep the food simple so as to minimise the washing up and the calories!!

I better go and pretend to do something worthwhile I guess!

Keep Smiling
Miss Pinky

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