Sunday 29 July 2007

Have I Gone Crazy???

I really hope this did actually happen and I did not actually dream it.....I guess it must have happened as I have the "scars" to prove it. On Thursday night set out for my usual 8km run. For once in my life, I actually felt that I was doing it easy, so I decided to try for 20kms....Yes that's right....20kms!!!! The best bit is that I actually did it!!!!!! I felt OK until around the 17km mark when my lower back started to really hurt. It was about this stage that I had to conquer some small hills at Woolooware (southern suburb of Sydney....near Cronulla) so this may have had something to do with it. When I returned home I collapsed on the front stairs of my house and I could barely even move. The thing is that I had not planned on doing this long run and, as such, I had only had about 300mls of water in the whole day and had no water during the run.....Silly girl!!!! Anyway, I have all these welty things where my singlet and tights rubbed so I feel they are my "war scars"....ha ha ha!!!!

I still can't believe I actually did it!!! It took me 2 hours and 10 minutes which is very crappy but at least I finished. So, today I am out to do it again. This time it is planned so I will place some water around the course for me to drink and I will also make sure I have a shirt on with sleeves so I don't add to the already very sore friction burns under my arms.

Why am I now running so much further than before??? I have decided to run in the Blackmores half marathon in September. I think finishing this would make me very proud of myself. I will feel rather embarrassed running with all those serious athletes but I don't think I will come last....Although I will be very close!!! :-)

I have also joined up as a member of the Cool Running website to get some extra motivation and support. I also want to buy one of their tops to wear on the day so I can get some "cheers" along the way....hopefully! They have heaps of great info on this website, which I find really useful.

J & I had a nice anniversary last Wednesday. We went out for dinner and he gave me a pink IPod shuffle (so cute) and a gorgeous Guess handbag. I felt very spoilt! The shuffle is great....I just clip it onto my singlet when I go running and I can't even feel that it is there.

Well I am going to go and take my dogs out before I go for my big run, as I won't be able to move afterwards!!!!

Enjoy your Sunday
Miss Pinky

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