Monday 16 July 2007

Run? Legend.....Food? Loser!!

First of all an update on my run from Saturday.....I am so absolutely proud of myself!!! Not only did I run the whole 11kms without any walking stops at all but I did it in an amazing time....62 minutes. I honestly can't believe I did this as I was expecting to do about 80 minutes. I must admit that the course is mostly downhill, with a few uphills put in for "good measure" but I am still ecstatic with my result!!! We got a taxi from the finish line to the start line and when I saw just how far 11kms was, I was absolutely petrified. I thought "no way am I going to finish this". I felt like I was going at a very slow pace because I wanted to make sure I didn't run out of "puff" but I was so excited when I saw J just near the finish line. He was walking to get a coffee as he didn't think I would arrive for at least another 15 minutes and he seemed really shocked when he saw me. I also recovered really quickly and did not feel sore or tired afterwards. To reward myself for my efforts I bought a great pair of new Nike runners from the running shop and a new pair of pants for work. The runners feel so comfortable and are very lightweight so perhaps they will make me faster?? I think that is just wishful thinking!! :-)

So, riding on this "running high" saw me eat enough food to feed a small village at our BBQ yesterday!! It was HIDEOUS!!! I just kept eating and eating and eating and I filled up on all the bad stuff like cheese, crackers, dip and then chocolate biscuits. I ate so much that at the end of the day I had "reflux" coming up into my mouth. What a dead-set pig to eat until I was that sick! I had set my alarm to get up and run before work this morning but at about 4am I woke up still feeling sick so I changed the time on the alarm to a later time. Then, when it went off I still felt sick so I thought "I am not going in to work today" but I ended up coming in as I would have had to drive J to work anyway and I have an interview this afternoon also so there was really no point in staying home. I am considering a "sickie" next Monday as J will be having an RDO and it is the day after the run so I may be tired. Why not take advantage of the sick days before I leave?

Due to my hideous eating and sleeping in I have to go for a run at lunch time today. This means about an hour and a half lunch break, which is really "taking advantage" but I hate it here anyway! This run is going to kill me.....and the 8500 chocolate cookies swimming around in my stomach! I have planned out my exercise for the week and I am determined to stick to a good eating and exercise plan to rid myself of the extra kilo I gained over the weekend. In a way, I am happy I got so sick from it because it will make me think twice before doing it again....hopefully!!!

My interview this afternoon is for a job that seems much better than my current one but not as good as the one I have an interview for tomorrow afternoon. I will go anyway and see what happens. I hope and pray that the one tomorrow goes well as I really want this!!

I start Uni next week. I am worried about how I will juggle 12 credit points of Uni with full-time work, exercise, housework and looking after the dogs but I will need to work something out. As it is now I don't have enough time to do everything! J will really need to "step up" and help me out with the washing and housework. One of the perils of me running and J doing 2 exercise sessions a day is the amount of washing we have! I wash every single day and it takes up so much time.

Also - Next week is J and my 2 year anniversary. I am not sure what we are doing to celebrate. We will probably go out for dinner or something. I need to think of a present to get him. He is hard to buy for!

Well I have no work today but I will go and catch up on all my favourite blogs.

Miss Pinky

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