All this talk about Cadell Evans and the Tour de France.....They should all be talking about me and my big run I say!!!!
Ha ha ha!!!! AS IF!!!! (Just quietly I do feel rather proud though.....of both Cadell Evans and myself)
Went for my 21km run....Finished in 2.5 hours. This makes me realise my run the other day was shorter than 20kms. This one felt pretty good until around 16-17kms when my lower back pain kicked in. I had to keep stopping and touching my toes to ease the pain. I also had to make a quick dash into my house at about the 20km mark for some juice as I felt like I may have dropped dead otherwise....I was totally "spent"!! The juice gave me the extra energy needed for the last km.
I am now convinced we were not meant to run this far. How on earth do people do the marathon??? I find after about 2 hours I am so mentally "bored" and I can't even come up with things to think of or focus on. As sad as it is, I often use my running time to think up new outfits to wear. What a tool!!!! I just find it a good way to take the focus off the run.
On a "non-running" note, I took my dogs to the park this morning and, once again, Max bit all the big dogs and had to be moved to an area all by himself. I don't know what is wrong with him?? He has gotten increasingly aggressive ever since we got him over a year ago. He has also started to "snarl" at young children so I now can't have him anywhere near them. God help me if I ever have a child!! Jack played nicely as usual but kept jumping up on all the people's laps and annoying them. He is such a friendly dog but sometimes too friendly for some!!! I wish I could have two lovely, well-behaved dogs that listened to everything I said. I guess it is my fault for spoiling them rotten!
I have 3 more days left of "non-work" before starting my new job. I just LOVE being at home and doing whatever I want. I wish I was rich and did not have to work! Woe is me!!!
I am still trying to decide where to go away to at the end of the year. I would love to go back to Thailand but I should probably try something new and venture to Vietnam. I love holidays!!! Asia is so cool!!! I love the warmth, the shopping, the food and the relaxation I can indulge in....Heaven!
I shall sign off now and get back to my beloved TV.
I am so excited that Zach and Aleisha are the last 2 housemates in the Big Brother House....GO ZACH!!!!
Miss Pinky
Sunday, 29 July 2007
Have I Gone Crazy???
I really hope this did actually happen and I did not actually dream it.....I guess it must have happened as I have the "scars" to prove it. On Thursday night set out for my usual 8km run. For once in my life, I actually felt that I was doing it easy, so I decided to try for 20kms....Yes that's right....20kms!!!! The best bit is that I actually did it!!!!!! I felt OK until around the 17km mark when my lower back started to really hurt. It was about this stage that I had to conquer some small hills at Woolooware (southern suburb of Sydney....near Cronulla) so this may have had something to do with it. When I returned home I collapsed on the front stairs of my house and I could barely even move. The thing is that I had not planned on doing this long run and, as such, I had only had about 300mls of water in the whole day and had no water during the run.....Silly girl!!!! Anyway, I have all these welty things where my singlet and tights rubbed so I feel they are my "war scars"....ha ha ha!!!!
I still can't believe I actually did it!!! It took me 2 hours and 10 minutes which is very crappy but at least I finished. So, today I am out to do it again. This time it is planned so I will place some water around the course for me to drink and I will also make sure I have a shirt on with sleeves so I don't add to the already very sore friction burns under my arms.
Why am I now running so much further than before??? I have decided to run in the Blackmores half marathon in September. I think finishing this would make me very proud of myself. I will feel rather embarrassed running with all those serious athletes but I don't think I will come last....Although I will be very close!!! :-)
I have also joined up as a member of the Cool Running website to get some extra motivation and support. I also want to buy one of their tops to wear on the day so I can get some "cheers" along the way....hopefully! They have heaps of great info on this website, which I find really useful.
J & I had a nice anniversary last Wednesday. We went out for dinner and he gave me a pink IPod shuffle (so cute) and a gorgeous Guess handbag. I felt very spoilt! The shuffle is great....I just clip it onto my singlet when I go running and I can't even feel that it is there.
Well I am going to go and take my dogs out before I go for my big run, as I won't be able to move afterwards!!!!
Enjoy your Sunday
Miss Pinky
I still can't believe I actually did it!!! It took me 2 hours and 10 minutes which is very crappy but at least I finished. So, today I am out to do it again. This time it is planned so I will place some water around the course for me to drink and I will also make sure I have a shirt on with sleeves so I don't add to the already very sore friction burns under my arms.
Why am I now running so much further than before??? I have decided to run in the Blackmores half marathon in September. I think finishing this would make me very proud of myself. I will feel rather embarrassed running with all those serious athletes but I don't think I will come last....Although I will be very close!!! :-)
I have also joined up as a member of the Cool Running website to get some extra motivation and support. I also want to buy one of their tops to wear on the day so I can get some "cheers" along the way....hopefully! They have heaps of great info on this website, which I find really useful.
J & I had a nice anniversary last Wednesday. We went out for dinner and he gave me a pink IPod shuffle (so cute) and a gorgeous Guess handbag. I felt very spoilt! The shuffle is great....I just clip it onto my singlet when I go running and I can't even feel that it is there.
Well I am going to go and take my dogs out before I go for my big run, as I won't be able to move afterwards!!!!
Enjoy your Sunday
Miss Pinky
Tuesday, 24 July 2007
I am still here....
I have not posted for a few days and so much has changed!!! I ended up walking out of my horrible job at lunch time on Friday. The reason?? The old man who was supposedly "retiring" from the position that I took came back from his holidays and completely took over everything. I had already resigned and was due to finish up tomorrow anyway but he made me feel so uncomfortable that I couldn't stick around. There is one desk in my area and one computer....He completely took them over. I came in on Friday and he is sitting at my chair at my desk on my computer with his personal phone numbers, etc on my pin board. How rude!!! I was going in a few days anyway....Couldn't he have waited??!!! So they all went out to this corporate lunch on Friday and I thought "stuff this", emailed my Boss who is really nice to explain why I would not be back and left. Funny thing is that nobody from there even called me or anything....Goes to show how unprofessional they are!!! I am so glad to be away from it all!
So, I got the job that I really wanted which I am very happy about!!! It pays well, is for a great company and the role sounds great too. I am just waiting on a start date from them but it should be late this week or early next week. For the moment, I am enjoying bludging at home and doing not much at all!
I did my 11km fun run on Sunday. I was a little disappointed as I finished in 68mins and I was hoping for 66mins or better but I should be happy that I ran the whole way without stopping. My new shoes are still crap....Giving me plenty of grief. I don't know whether to persevere or go back to my old Asics?? My lead up to the run was much less than perfect....I did no exercise at all from Tuesday until the race on Sunday AND I ate for a small community all week!! I actually was not sure if I was going to run at all until the day. At least I did it. I am actually thinking of running the 9km Blackmores run in September....I will see how I feel and also how fat I am at this stage!! Ha ha ha!!!!
Well I am going to go and buy J a small Anniversary gift before I pick him up from work. I gave him his "real present" early....Some "skins" to use for the race last Sunday. They are certainly expensive tights but he said they do a great job. He loved them and that is the main thing!
See you later....
Miss Pinky
So, I got the job that I really wanted which I am very happy about!!! It pays well, is for a great company and the role sounds great too. I am just waiting on a start date from them but it should be late this week or early next week. For the moment, I am enjoying bludging at home and doing not much at all!
I did my 11km fun run on Sunday. I was a little disappointed as I finished in 68mins and I was hoping for 66mins or better but I should be happy that I ran the whole way without stopping. My new shoes are still crap....Giving me plenty of grief. I don't know whether to persevere or go back to my old Asics?? My lead up to the run was much less than perfect....I did no exercise at all from Tuesday until the race on Sunday AND I ate for a small community all week!! I actually was not sure if I was going to run at all until the day. At least I did it. I am actually thinking of running the 9km Blackmores run in September....I will see how I feel and also how fat I am at this stage!! Ha ha ha!!!!
Well I am going to go and buy J a small Anniversary gift before I pick him up from work. I gave him his "real present" early....Some "skins" to use for the race last Sunday. They are certainly expensive tights but he said they do a great job. He loved them and that is the main thing!
See you later....
Miss Pinky
Wednesday, 18 July 2007
Dramas, dramas!
The job hunt has hit a rather familiar "snag"......I have been offered (and accepted) a Customer Service role with a supplier of infant linens. I am due to start with them on Monday. The issue is that I had an interview yesterday for a role that I am much more interested in and now I am unsure what I should do?? The same thing happened to me when I started working here. I was offered this role first but really wanted another one that I was going for at the same time. I was scared to decline the offer to work here in case I also did not get the other job and, well, here I am...In a job that I totally despise!!!
I have emailed the recruitment consultant for the job that I really want and explained the situation to him. If he comes back and tells me my interview went well, then I will take a gamble and "hang out" for that job. This will just mean letting the recruitment person from the other job know that I have had a "change of heart". If my interview yesterday did not go so well, I will be resigning from here today and finishing up tomorrow. This way I can have the Friday off before starting at the new place on Monday. I could always start at the new place and then leave if I get the other job but I would feel very uncomfortable and embarrassed doing that. Either way, I have 2 weeks left here of my "probation period", after which time I have to give 4 weeks notice, not one I need to get out before then.
My food and exercise has been just terrible! I am back into the chocolates, biscuits and cakes and making excuses to not exercise. The bloody run is this Sunday!!! Can't I just keep it together for a few days?? I MUST run after work today, no matter how cold it is here and no matter how much I don't feel like doing it. If I look for excuses, I will find them. I feel better about myself when I eat well and exercise so why do I keep sabotaging my efforts, which just makes me feel bad?? I think I am "off the rails" because I feel stressed about what to do work-wise and feel nervous about resigning from here. I must stop making excuses to treat myself badly though! My health and well-being should be my number one priority. I feel very fat and sorry for myself today....I need to snap out of it!
I am also feeling pi**ed off because I really want to get my tax done so I can find out how much I am getting back but I am yet to receive one of my group certificates. My old work changed payroll company's mid-year and, as such, heaps of certificates have not been received. Once I know what I am getting back, I can work out if I am going to spend the money on a holiday at the end of the year or put it aside to go towards a house deposit. I just wish the damn thing would arrive!!! This way, I can have something positive to look forward to.
Wednesday is J and I's 2 year anniversary so that will be nice. I have thought of a few ideas of what to get him....some practical things and some not so practical things. I will go to the shops tomorrow at lunch to pick them up. Now I just need to think of something nice to do to celebrate the night....Going for dinner is just so ordinary!
Till next time
Miss Pinky
I have emailed the recruitment consultant for the job that I really want and explained the situation to him. If he comes back and tells me my interview went well, then I will take a gamble and "hang out" for that job. This will just mean letting the recruitment person from the other job know that I have had a "change of heart". If my interview yesterday did not go so well, I will be resigning from here today and finishing up tomorrow. This way I can have the Friday off before starting at the new place on Monday. I could always start at the new place and then leave if I get the other job but I would feel very uncomfortable and embarrassed doing that. Either way, I have 2 weeks left here of my "probation period", after which time I have to give 4 weeks notice, not one I need to get out before then.
My food and exercise has been just terrible! I am back into the chocolates, biscuits and cakes and making excuses to not exercise. The bloody run is this Sunday!!! Can't I just keep it together for a few days?? I MUST run after work today, no matter how cold it is here and no matter how much I don't feel like doing it. If I look for excuses, I will find them. I feel better about myself when I eat well and exercise so why do I keep sabotaging my efforts, which just makes me feel bad?? I think I am "off the rails" because I feel stressed about what to do work-wise and feel nervous about resigning from here. I must stop making excuses to treat myself badly though! My health and well-being should be my number one priority. I feel very fat and sorry for myself today....I need to snap out of it!
I am also feeling pi**ed off because I really want to get my tax done so I can find out how much I am getting back but I am yet to receive one of my group certificates. My old work changed payroll company's mid-year and, as such, heaps of certificates have not been received. Once I know what I am getting back, I can work out if I am going to spend the money on a holiday at the end of the year or put it aside to go towards a house deposit. I just wish the damn thing would arrive!!! This way, I can have something positive to look forward to.
Wednesday is J and I's 2 year anniversary so that will be nice. I have thought of a few ideas of what to get him....some practical things and some not so practical things. I will go to the shops tomorrow at lunch to pick them up. Now I just need to think of something nice to do to celebrate the night....Going for dinner is just so ordinary!
Till next time
Miss Pinky
Monday, 16 July 2007
Run? Legend.....Food? Loser!!
First of all an update on my run from Saturday.....I am so absolutely proud of myself!!! Not only did I run the whole 11kms without any walking stops at all but I did it in an amazing time....62 minutes. I honestly can't believe I did this as I was expecting to do about 80 minutes. I must admit that the course is mostly downhill, with a few uphills put in for "good measure" but I am still ecstatic with my result!!! We got a taxi from the finish line to the start line and when I saw just how far 11kms was, I was absolutely petrified. I thought "no way am I going to finish this". I felt like I was going at a very slow pace because I wanted to make sure I didn't run out of "puff" but I was so excited when I saw J just near the finish line. He was walking to get a coffee as he didn't think I would arrive for at least another 15 minutes and he seemed really shocked when he saw me. I also recovered really quickly and did not feel sore or tired afterwards. To reward myself for my efforts I bought a great pair of new Nike runners from the running shop and a new pair of pants for work. The runners feel so comfortable and are very lightweight so perhaps they will make me faster?? I think that is just wishful thinking!! :-)
So, riding on this "running high" saw me eat enough food to feed a small village at our BBQ yesterday!! It was HIDEOUS!!! I just kept eating and eating and eating and I filled up on all the bad stuff like cheese, crackers, dip and then chocolate biscuits. I ate so much that at the end of the day I had "reflux" coming up into my mouth. What a dead-set pig to eat until I was that sick! I had set my alarm to get up and run before work this morning but at about 4am I woke up still feeling sick so I changed the time on the alarm to a later time. Then, when it went off I still felt sick so I thought "I am not going in to work today" but I ended up coming in as I would have had to drive J to work anyway and I have an interview this afternoon also so there was really no point in staying home. I am considering a "sickie" next Monday as J will be having an RDO and it is the day after the run so I may be tired. Why not take advantage of the sick days before I leave?
Due to my hideous eating and sleeping in I have to go for a run at lunch time today. This means about an hour and a half lunch break, which is really "taking advantage" but I hate it here anyway! This run is going to kill me.....and the 8500 chocolate cookies swimming around in my stomach! I have planned out my exercise for the week and I am determined to stick to a good eating and exercise plan to rid myself of the extra kilo I gained over the weekend. In a way, I am happy I got so sick from it because it will make me think twice before doing it again....hopefully!!!
My interview this afternoon is for a job that seems much better than my current one but not as good as the one I have an interview for tomorrow afternoon. I will go anyway and see what happens. I hope and pray that the one tomorrow goes well as I really want this!!
I start Uni next week. I am worried about how I will juggle 12 credit points of Uni with full-time work, exercise, housework and looking after the dogs but I will need to work something out. As it is now I don't have enough time to do everything! J will really need to "step up" and help me out with the washing and housework. One of the perils of me running and J doing 2 exercise sessions a day is the amount of washing we have! I wash every single day and it takes up so much time.
Also - Next week is J and my 2 year anniversary. I am not sure what we are doing to celebrate. We will probably go out for dinner or something. I need to think of a present to get him. He is hard to buy for!
Well I have no work today but I will go and catch up on all my favourite blogs.
Miss Pinky
So, riding on this "running high" saw me eat enough food to feed a small village at our BBQ yesterday!! It was HIDEOUS!!! I just kept eating and eating and eating and I filled up on all the bad stuff like cheese, crackers, dip and then chocolate biscuits. I ate so much that at the end of the day I had "reflux" coming up into my mouth. What a dead-set pig to eat until I was that sick! I had set my alarm to get up and run before work this morning but at about 4am I woke up still feeling sick so I changed the time on the alarm to a later time. Then, when it went off I still felt sick so I thought "I am not going in to work today" but I ended up coming in as I would have had to drive J to work anyway and I have an interview this afternoon also so there was really no point in staying home. I am considering a "sickie" next Monday as J will be having an RDO and it is the day after the run so I may be tired. Why not take advantage of the sick days before I leave?
Due to my hideous eating and sleeping in I have to go for a run at lunch time today. This means about an hour and a half lunch break, which is really "taking advantage" but I hate it here anyway! This run is going to kill me.....and the 8500 chocolate cookies swimming around in my stomach! I have planned out my exercise for the week and I am determined to stick to a good eating and exercise plan to rid myself of the extra kilo I gained over the weekend. In a way, I am happy I got so sick from it because it will make me think twice before doing it again....hopefully!!!
My interview this afternoon is for a job that seems much better than my current one but not as good as the one I have an interview for tomorrow afternoon. I will go anyway and see what happens. I hope and pray that the one tomorrow goes well as I really want this!!
I start Uni next week. I am worried about how I will juggle 12 credit points of Uni with full-time work, exercise, housework and looking after the dogs but I will need to work something out. As it is now I don't have enough time to do everything! J will really need to "step up" and help me out with the washing and housework. One of the perils of me running and J doing 2 exercise sessions a day is the amount of washing we have! I wash every single day and it takes up so much time.
Also - Next week is J and my 2 year anniversary. I am not sure what we are doing to celebrate. We will probably go out for dinner or something. I need to think of a present to get him. He is hard to buy for!
Well I have no work today but I will go and catch up on all my favourite blogs.
Miss Pinky
Friday, 13 July 2007
Scared Shi*less!!! may ask?? Because I am officially resistered in my 11km race for next Sunday. I am petrified and I don't know why?? I am going to run the course tomorrow and I am even scared to run it as a test!!! I am silly! I really, really hope I can do it. I will feel very proud of myself if I do.
My interview yesterday went well. The job and the company sounds awesome! I have an interview with the company next Tuesday afternoon so I will have to "suit up" for this one. I really want this job so I need to make a good impression! I will not get my hopes up too high....just in case. It will mean a 10% salary increase for me though, which would be just awesome!
I am very happy it is Friday today. Hopefully I don't have too many days left here! I have a PUMP class this afternoon. My muscles don't feel sore at all so I should do OK. I am going to do the 11km run in the morning to get it out of the way. Then I have to get the house cleaned up and take the dogs to the park. Maybe I can fit some shopping in too? On Sunday, we have our BBQ on so I will take the dogs to the park in the morning before it starts. Sunday is my rest day from exercise so I need to watch what I put in my mouth carefully. I have planned the menu so there are not too many high-calorie foods to tempt me.
I ended up having sushi and miso soup for dinner last night. I had a craving which needed to be addressed but I kept it small. Only issue was that I was still hungry when I got home so I had some M&M's and 2 lite biscuits!! Bad girl!!! Although I still came in at 1300 calories for the day, which was OK. 1200 is my ideal.
Well I am off to have some lunch. A weird lunch today....weetbix with skim milk. The reason is that we have run out of food at home and I am reluctant to eat bread (even though weet bix is carbs anyway!).
Have a great weekend and pray that I can run this whole course!!
Miss Pinky.
My interview yesterday went well. The job and the company sounds awesome! I have an interview with the company next Tuesday afternoon so I will have to "suit up" for this one. I really want this job so I need to make a good impression! I will not get my hopes up too high....just in case. It will mean a 10% salary increase for me though, which would be just awesome!
I am very happy it is Friday today. Hopefully I don't have too many days left here! I have a PUMP class this afternoon. My muscles don't feel sore at all so I should do OK. I am going to do the 11km run in the morning to get it out of the way. Then I have to get the house cleaned up and take the dogs to the park. Maybe I can fit some shopping in too? On Sunday, we have our BBQ on so I will take the dogs to the park in the morning before it starts. Sunday is my rest day from exercise so I need to watch what I put in my mouth carefully. I have planned the menu so there are not too many high-calorie foods to tempt me.
I ended up having sushi and miso soup for dinner last night. I had a craving which needed to be addressed but I kept it small. Only issue was that I was still hungry when I got home so I had some M&M's and 2 lite biscuits!! Bad girl!!! Although I still came in at 1300 calories for the day, which was OK. 1200 is my ideal.
Well I am off to have some lunch. A weird lunch today....weetbix with skim milk. The reason is that we have run out of food at home and I am reluctant to eat bread (even though weet bix is carbs anyway!).
Have a great weekend and pray that I can run this whole course!!
Miss Pinky.
Thursday, 12 July 2007
Feeling Rather Proud
I am feeling rather proud of myself today. Trust me, it is an odd feeling to not be hating myself immensely and feeling like a failure! I feel proud of myself because I have been very good with my eating and my exercise. This is today's plan and is fairly typical of what I am doing at the moment:
Breakfast: Protein drink (108calories) plus a low-fat muesli bar
Morning Tea: 1/2 a slice of pear and rasberry bread
Lunch: 6 small vita weats with tuna and tomato
Afternoon tea: 5 strawberries
Dinner: 1 egg, 1/2 large can of heinz spaghetti, 2 slices grain toast
Exercise: 45mins Spin Class completed before work
Fluid: About 2 litres H2O, 1.5 cans Coke Zero, 1 green tea
I worked out that I really love the pear and raspberry bread so I thought that instead of fighting the temptation, I should just go with it. So I now work it into my plan and have half a piece instead of the full one. The only way I may deviate from the plan is to have 2 low-fat biscuits and a small handful of M&M's when I get home but that has been the worst I have done all week. Dessert has gone completely and my meals are much smaller than they were before. I have not even had any major chocolate cravings either. I am not sure if this has to do with the protein but I don't feel "constantly hungry" like I used to. I think calcium is lacking so I may get some calcium tablets and start taking them, in addition to my fish oil and glucosamine.
I did my PUMP class last night. I did not want to go so badly but I am glad I did. I am the sort of person who likes to complete my exercise either in the morning or before I get home at night. If I have to go out and exercise after I have returned home, the chances of me not doing it are much higher. Anyway, I dragged myself along to the class and I did really well. I believe I am much stronger than I ever thought. My weights were up there with the boys and, in some tracks, the boys were struggling and I was not. I could have even put more weight on at times but I felt embarrassed...Like a big "she male" or something!!
I am totally comitted to doing this 11km run next Sunday, despite the fact that I am scared. Everyone has told me that if I can do 8km, I will be able to do 11km. I am going to believe them and also give myself "permission" to walk if I feel the need. I will try to run the whole way but this "permission" may ease the pressure a little. J wants to get me new runners this week (my Asics are wearing away on the inside and at the soles) but I will wait until after the run. There is no way I can break in new shoes so quickly and although mine are falling apart, they are very comfortable and I am used to running in them.
My weight is sitting stable but I do feel better around my waist area. I don't feel as "fat" as last week. I wish some weight would shift from the scales but I just need to be patient and it will happen!
I have my interview this afternoon. I really want this job now so I am hoping it all goes well. Hopefully I can "sell" myself!!
Over & Out
Miss Pinky
Breakfast: Protein drink (108calories) plus a low-fat muesli bar
Morning Tea: 1/2 a slice of pear and rasberry bread
Lunch: 6 small vita weats with tuna and tomato
Afternoon tea: 5 strawberries
Dinner: 1 egg, 1/2 large can of heinz spaghetti, 2 slices grain toast
Exercise: 45mins Spin Class completed before work
Fluid: About 2 litres H2O, 1.5 cans Coke Zero, 1 green tea
I worked out that I really love the pear and raspberry bread so I thought that instead of fighting the temptation, I should just go with it. So I now work it into my plan and have half a piece instead of the full one. The only way I may deviate from the plan is to have 2 low-fat biscuits and a small handful of M&M's when I get home but that has been the worst I have done all week. Dessert has gone completely and my meals are much smaller than they were before. I have not even had any major chocolate cravings either. I am not sure if this has to do with the protein but I don't feel "constantly hungry" like I used to. I think calcium is lacking so I may get some calcium tablets and start taking them, in addition to my fish oil and glucosamine.
I did my PUMP class last night. I did not want to go so badly but I am glad I did. I am the sort of person who likes to complete my exercise either in the morning or before I get home at night. If I have to go out and exercise after I have returned home, the chances of me not doing it are much higher. Anyway, I dragged myself along to the class and I did really well. I believe I am much stronger than I ever thought. My weights were up there with the boys and, in some tracks, the boys were struggling and I was not. I could have even put more weight on at times but I felt embarrassed...Like a big "she male" or something!!
I am totally comitted to doing this 11km run next Sunday, despite the fact that I am scared. Everyone has told me that if I can do 8km, I will be able to do 11km. I am going to believe them and also give myself "permission" to walk if I feel the need. I will try to run the whole way but this "permission" may ease the pressure a little. J wants to get me new runners this week (my Asics are wearing away on the inside and at the soles) but I will wait until after the run. There is no way I can break in new shoes so quickly and although mine are falling apart, they are very comfortable and I am used to running in them.
My weight is sitting stable but I do feel better around my waist area. I don't feel as "fat" as last week. I wish some weight would shift from the scales but I just need to be patient and it will happen!
I have my interview this afternoon. I really want this job now so I am hoping it all goes well. Hopefully I can "sell" myself!!
Over & Out
Miss Pinky
Wednesday, 11 July 2007
Wednesday Update

I think I am obsessed by other people's blogs...I can't stop reading them, especially running blogs!! I think I spent at least 5 hours yesterday at work looking at them. In a way they do inspire me but, in another way, they make me feel like I am not doing enough. I am such an amateur! These people run so many kms per week it is not funny!!!! I honestly don't know how they find the time to fit all their exercise in!!
I have no running today. I am going to a PUMP class tonight though, which is at a very inconvenient time. It starts at 7pm. J and I get home from work at 6pm and he starts his 2nd job at 8pm. Usually we have dinner and clean up during these two hours. Tonight though, I will have to force myself to stay away from food until after my class (I can't exercise on a full stomach) and by the time I get home J will be gone. Oh well, I can't have everything my own way! This morning I got to sleep in until 5.45am. I was so happy with the extra 45mins and also not having to get up and go running straight away. I took the dogs out for a quick 20 minute walk instead. I am worried now that each time I get up to go running they will think they are coming with me.
Tomorrow I have a job interview in the afternoon. It is for a major fuel order management type role. It sounds very good, pay is good and it is close to home. I will see how I go. I don't like to get my hopes up any more! Because of this job interview being scheduled in the afternoon, I will do a Spin class before work tomorrow.
My weight is still the same as yesterday but I have been rather good with my food. I had a piece of banana bread for morning tea today but I will cut out a few other things to make up the calories. J sent me the pic at the top of this post yesterday. It is of me in Thailand last Dec. I hate this pic because I think I look so much smaller than I do now. I was about 4-5kgs lighter then. As much as I hate this pic because I am jealous of it, I need to use it as my inspiration!!!
I went to a pet shop today to get some dog treats and they had the cutest female Jack Russell puppy in there. She was all alone and I wished so badly I could have taken her with me. I know that J will say "no" though. I do agree with him that 2 dogs is enough but she was just so cute!!!
Well just a short post today. I best be off as I am meeting my sister for lunch.
Miss Pinky
Tuesday, 10 July 2007
Over The Moon!!
Finally....after weeks of trying hard the scales have been kind to me! I weighed myself this morning before my run and I was down 1.2kgs at last!!! After my run, I lost another 0.6kgs but I generally do not like to go by that weight as it is mostly a false reading. It is so nice to see numbers that do not scare me to death! I also took my waist measurement and it is down around 2-3cms from a couple of weeks ago. I feel so much better about myself. It has really boosted my self esteem that my efforts are finally paying off! I was beginning to think I was doomed.
Yesterday I went for a run at lunch time around my Mum's house near the beach. It stopped raining for the duration of my run, which I was thankful for. The only issue was that, even though it was a cold day yesterday, I felt very hot. This is because I am used to running either before the sun comes up or as the sun is going down. I don't think my body enjoys being out running while the sun is up. The big hill killed me and there were many times I thought I would stop....but I didn't. This is where running is such a fabulous thing to do....You achieve things you never thought possible and, in turn, your belief in yourself and your abilities grows. I suffer a bit from depression (completely self-diagnosed and un-medicated) but I can't imagine how bad this may be if I didn't run. Studies have shown that exercise acts as a better anti-depressant than anti-depressant medications. This is because it releases endorphins in the brain.
This morning I have already been for my run so I am happy. I just did my normal 8km run around my area. It was very cold and my hands were numb on my return. I was supposed to run after work at my Mum's today but I decided to get it out of the way as rain is predicted for this afternoon. This way I can just spend some time chatting to my Mum instead of using her place for a shower!
I am going to do an 11km fun run that they are having in my area next Sunday (22nd). I only ever run 8km so I am rather scared! Most of it is downhill though and the route goes straight past my house so I figure if I am really dying I can just go inside my house and stop....ha ha ha!!! I think I will try and run the course on Saturday, so at least I know if I can physically do it or not. I dare say there will be many trips to the toilet on the morning of the 22nd, as I get really nervous before a run. Most people would not be so nervous, as they have the option of walking part of the course if they are too tired. My issue is that I NEED to run the whole course, no matter how slow, because otherwise I will feel like a massive failure and "beat myself up" over it! Low self-esteem is such a horrible thing!! I guess this is my "demon" in life though and at least I am not struggling with something harder such as alcohol or drug dependency.
My food has been very good. My only bad things yesterday were 2 lite biscuits and a small handful of M&M's. I think I am doing well....At least for now! The protein drink for breakfast seems to be working wonders to curb my appetite.
A funny thing happened yesterday. About a week ago, J put our mountain bikes on EBay to sell them. I got my bike for Christmas and I have only ever ridden it once. I had great intentions before I got it....I was going to cut out the running and cycle instead, I would ride everywhere, etc. My first ride was far too long for someone that had never ridden before and I could not make it back to my house. J had to cycle home and drive back to pick my bike and I up!!!! This turned me off for life! J is selling his bike to update to a road bike as he wants to start competing in triathlons. Anyway....he puts them on EBay but forgets to put a reserve price. Yesterday we get an email that they have been sold. My bike went for $193 and his for $225. I wanted minimum $300 for mine and he wanted minimum $350!!!! So we are very far off the mark but now he needs to sell them at the reduced price, as morally this is the right thing to do. The buyers are certainly getting a bargain, that's for sure! I think J will think twice before posting on EBay again!
I start back at Uni in a couple of weeks. It will be very interesting trying to juggle full-time work, 2 intensive Uni subjects, exercise, dogs and housework but I will just have to re-organise my time. I have no kids so surely I can make this work?! I am completing my Masters in Sexual Health and hoping to emerge in around 2 years time as a fully-qualified sex therapist. This is my dream and sexual health is my passion. It is costing me so much money to do this so I need to make it work. I can't let my negative thoughts about myself destroy this!
Well I am off.....Hugs & Kisses till next time.....
Miss Pinky
Yesterday I went for a run at lunch time around my Mum's house near the beach. It stopped raining for the duration of my run, which I was thankful for. The only issue was that, even though it was a cold day yesterday, I felt very hot. This is because I am used to running either before the sun comes up or as the sun is going down. I don't think my body enjoys being out running while the sun is up. The big hill killed me and there were many times I thought I would stop....but I didn't. This is where running is such a fabulous thing to do....You achieve things you never thought possible and, in turn, your belief in yourself and your abilities grows. I suffer a bit from depression (completely self-diagnosed and un-medicated) but I can't imagine how bad this may be if I didn't run. Studies have shown that exercise acts as a better anti-depressant than anti-depressant medications. This is because it releases endorphins in the brain.
This morning I have already been for my run so I am happy. I just did my normal 8km run around my area. It was very cold and my hands were numb on my return. I was supposed to run after work at my Mum's today but I decided to get it out of the way as rain is predicted for this afternoon. This way I can just spend some time chatting to my Mum instead of using her place for a shower!
I am going to do an 11km fun run that they are having in my area next Sunday (22nd). I only ever run 8km so I am rather scared! Most of it is downhill though and the route goes straight past my house so I figure if I am really dying I can just go inside my house and stop....ha ha ha!!! I think I will try and run the course on Saturday, so at least I know if I can physically do it or not. I dare say there will be many trips to the toilet on the morning of the 22nd, as I get really nervous before a run. Most people would not be so nervous, as they have the option of walking part of the course if they are too tired. My issue is that I NEED to run the whole course, no matter how slow, because otherwise I will feel like a massive failure and "beat myself up" over it! Low self-esteem is such a horrible thing!! I guess this is my "demon" in life though and at least I am not struggling with something harder such as alcohol or drug dependency.
My food has been very good. My only bad things yesterday were 2 lite biscuits and a small handful of M&M's. I think I am doing well....At least for now! The protein drink for breakfast seems to be working wonders to curb my appetite.
A funny thing happened yesterday. About a week ago, J put our mountain bikes on EBay to sell them. I got my bike for Christmas and I have only ever ridden it once. I had great intentions before I got it....I was going to cut out the running and cycle instead, I would ride everywhere, etc. My first ride was far too long for someone that had never ridden before and I could not make it back to my house. J had to cycle home and drive back to pick my bike and I up!!!! This turned me off for life! J is selling his bike to update to a road bike as he wants to start competing in triathlons. Anyway....he puts them on EBay but forgets to put a reserve price. Yesterday we get an email that they have been sold. My bike went for $193 and his for $225. I wanted minimum $300 for mine and he wanted minimum $350!!!! So we are very far off the mark but now he needs to sell them at the reduced price, as morally this is the right thing to do. The buyers are certainly getting a bargain, that's for sure! I think J will think twice before posting on EBay again!
I start back at Uni in a couple of weeks. It will be very interesting trying to juggle full-time work, 2 intensive Uni subjects, exercise, dogs and housework but I will just have to re-organise my time. I have no kids so surely I can make this work?! I am completing my Masters in Sexual Health and hoping to emerge in around 2 years time as a fully-qualified sex therapist. This is my dream and sexual health is my passion. It is costing me so much money to do this so I need to make it work. I can't let my negative thoughts about myself destroy this!
Well I am off.....Hugs & Kisses till next time.....
Miss Pinky
Monday, 9 July 2007
Back to the Grind
The weekend is over and I am back in hell! To top it off it is such horrible weather today...It is absolutely pouring rain....make that "torrential" rain. I was so tempted to call in sick today. I know I have only been here for about 8 weeks but I thought "stuff it...I am trying to leave here anyway". I ended up getting out of bed but only because I was scared if I stayed home I would eat all day!
I had a fairly good weekend. On Friday night I went to the Gym and did some weights. It was very easy which has made me think my routine is not very good. I took the dogs for a quick run at the park and Jack went crazy because it was his first off-leash run since his operation. I then spent the rest of the night watching TV on the lounge, which I love! Most Friday nights I always fall asleep on the couch and get woken up by J at about 1am to go to bed. I have a really full-on weekday routine, which sees me get around 6 hours sleep a night, which is why I am so tired at the weekend. Ideally, I need at least 8 hours sleep a night to function.
On Saturday, we went and saw the trainer we were going to sign up with. Only problem is that she wanted 3 sessions per week at $90 each session. I also hated the Gym she works out of. It is very cold and in desperate need of a makeover! We told her we would sign up but J called her yesterday and told her we just can't afford it. I actually feel very relieved because I find that the more I totally focus on weight loss, the more I end up bingeing. After we met with her, J went and bought a whole lot more supplements from the vitamin shop to help him "bulk up". He has to take so many tablets and powders...I hope he achieves what he wants. I actually think he has a very nice body so I am not sure why he punishes himself to change it. Anyway, I guess that is his choice.
We took the dogs to the park on Saturday afternoon. It is a great off-leash dog park in Leichhardt which has a cafe in the middle that you can eat at and the dogs just walk around the tables. They serve really yummy and cheap food and they also do "puppacinos" for the dogs. This is some cinnamon drink that the dogs LOVE. It was a nice warm day so it was nice to sit in the sun. Jack had a ball because he enjoys nothing more than running with other dogs. Max just sits near me as he is not very sociable. I think he may think he is a human actually. He is a funny dog. We got him from the pound and he had a very hard life prior to that so he can get very snappy with big dogs and pretty much just likes to hang around J and I. He sleeps in bed in between J and I with his head on the pillow just like a person. He is very cute.
(*****Part of the roof at my work just collapsed with the rain. Ha ha ha!!! This place is such a shi*hole!!!!*****)
I saw a great DVD on Saturday night....Blood Diamond. It is an awesome movie about the diamond trade in Sierra Leone. Such a hard-hitting film and Leonardo Dicaprio does an amazing job. It was a film that really made me "think" long after it had finished. I love films like that. I don't think I will be buying a diamond any time soon!
Yesterday (Sunday) I took the dogs to the park in the morning but this time a yucky off-leash park near my area. It is really muddy and small and it stinks but it is very close to home so a good option if we are short for time. Max bit dogs as soon as we arrived so I had to take him to the "other side of the fence" alone so he couldn't hurt any other dogs. It is sooooo embarrassing when he carries on! He is so small but so feisty! After the park J and I went and had a look around the shopping centre. He was looking for some new glasses and I got myself a cute little dress. Yesterday afternoon we did a PUMP class at the Gym. I was really happy with how I did. I tried so hard and exceeded my own expectations. I was very sore afterwards but I had a protein drink straight after and put deep heat on my arms and I am much better today. I have decided that instead of doing my own boring routine 3 times a week, I will do 3 PUMP classes instead, as well as 3 cardio sessions.
My weight is still bad but I did not overdo my food too much on the weekend. I am trying to be more positive now....If I eat well and exercise regularly then changes will happen. My goal for this week is to have yoghurt or fruit for morning tea instead of banana bread and to have lean meat and salad for my evening meal, instead of starchy carbs. I will see if this has any impact on my weight. I have already cut out most nights of dessert, which I am so proud of!
This Sunday I am having a small BBQ at my house. A few people from my old work are coming. I hate people seeing me when I have put on a few kilos but I have to try not to think about that! It will be good to catch up. We will keep the food simple so as to minimise the washing up and the calories!!
I better go and pretend to do something worthwhile I guess!
Keep Smiling
Miss Pinky
I had a fairly good weekend. On Friday night I went to the Gym and did some weights. It was very easy which has made me think my routine is not very good. I took the dogs for a quick run at the park and Jack went crazy because it was his first off-leash run since his operation. I then spent the rest of the night watching TV on the lounge, which I love! Most Friday nights I always fall asleep on the couch and get woken up by J at about 1am to go to bed. I have a really full-on weekday routine, which sees me get around 6 hours sleep a night, which is why I am so tired at the weekend. Ideally, I need at least 8 hours sleep a night to function.
On Saturday, we went and saw the trainer we were going to sign up with. Only problem is that she wanted 3 sessions per week at $90 each session. I also hated the Gym she works out of. It is very cold and in desperate need of a makeover! We told her we would sign up but J called her yesterday and told her we just can't afford it. I actually feel very relieved because I find that the more I totally focus on weight loss, the more I end up bingeing. After we met with her, J went and bought a whole lot more supplements from the vitamin shop to help him "bulk up". He has to take so many tablets and powders...I hope he achieves what he wants. I actually think he has a very nice body so I am not sure why he punishes himself to change it. Anyway, I guess that is his choice.
We took the dogs to the park on Saturday afternoon. It is a great off-leash dog park in Leichhardt which has a cafe in the middle that you can eat at and the dogs just walk around the tables. They serve really yummy and cheap food and they also do "puppacinos" for the dogs. This is some cinnamon drink that the dogs LOVE. It was a nice warm day so it was nice to sit in the sun. Jack had a ball because he enjoys nothing more than running with other dogs. Max just sits near me as he is not very sociable. I think he may think he is a human actually. He is a funny dog. We got him from the pound and he had a very hard life prior to that so he can get very snappy with big dogs and pretty much just likes to hang around J and I. He sleeps in bed in between J and I with his head on the pillow just like a person. He is very cute.
(*****Part of the roof at my work just collapsed with the rain. Ha ha ha!!! This place is such a shi*hole!!!!*****)
I saw a great DVD on Saturday night....Blood Diamond. It is an awesome movie about the diamond trade in Sierra Leone. Such a hard-hitting film and Leonardo Dicaprio does an amazing job. It was a film that really made me "think" long after it had finished. I love films like that. I don't think I will be buying a diamond any time soon!
Yesterday (Sunday) I took the dogs to the park in the morning but this time a yucky off-leash park near my area. It is really muddy and small and it stinks but it is very close to home so a good option if we are short for time. Max bit dogs as soon as we arrived so I had to take him to the "other side of the fence" alone so he couldn't hurt any other dogs. It is sooooo embarrassing when he carries on! He is so small but so feisty! After the park J and I went and had a look around the shopping centre. He was looking for some new glasses and I got myself a cute little dress. Yesterday afternoon we did a PUMP class at the Gym. I was really happy with how I did. I tried so hard and exceeded my own expectations. I was very sore afterwards but I had a protein drink straight after and put deep heat on my arms and I am much better today. I have decided that instead of doing my own boring routine 3 times a week, I will do 3 PUMP classes instead, as well as 3 cardio sessions.
My weight is still bad but I did not overdo my food too much on the weekend. I am trying to be more positive now....If I eat well and exercise regularly then changes will happen. My goal for this week is to have yoghurt or fruit for morning tea instead of banana bread and to have lean meat and salad for my evening meal, instead of starchy carbs. I will see if this has any impact on my weight. I have already cut out most nights of dessert, which I am so proud of!
This Sunday I am having a small BBQ at my house. A few people from my old work are coming. I hate people seeing me when I have put on a few kilos but I have to try not to think about that! It will be good to catch up. We will keep the food simple so as to minimise the washing up and the calories!!
I better go and pretend to do something worthwhile I guess!
Keep Smiling
Miss Pinky
Friday, 6 July 2007
Welcome to Friday!
I am sooooo glad it is Friday!! Only 2 hours to go until I can escape from here! I have had a terribly boring week here. Basically I have had nothing to do and I have had to "look busy" for 8 hours each day. I have been caught surfing the net so many times!
I had a couple of job interviews on Wednesday and Thursday. One was a customer service/order management type role in a factory that made nuts, dried fruit, etc. It seemed like a very relaxed role but not "manly" like my current one. I liked them, they liked me but the salary they were offering was about $15K less than I get now. I just could never let myself drop that much, no matter what the job was. I certainly did not like it that much! The second interview was with a recruitment company. They have an Admin/Customer Service role with a company that makes infant wear that they think would suit me. I will probably be meeting with the company towards the end of next week. I have also applied for a couple more roles today, as I need to get out of here. There are all these jobs coming up that are a really big hassle so I would rather leave before then. Also, if I can leave in the next three weeks, I only have to give one day's notice.
I have been very, very good with my exercise this week. I have stuck to it completely. I have done 4 runs and 2 weight sessions so far and I have another weights session tonight that will complete my week. Tomorrow I have no exercise on at all and I cannot wait! I have been up all week at 5am, pounding the footpath in the freezing cold so I can't wait to stay in bed until at least 8am. It will be heaven! Tonight I am also meeting with the personal trainer lady. I will see what she has to offer and decide whether to sign up or not.
My food has been pretty good (Much better than previously) except last night we went out for dinner and I had a creamy pasta and a lemon meringue pie. My stomach was so sore and cramped up after it. I told myself "no running for me in the morning" so I was very proud when I actually did it! All week I have remained at my same horrible weight. This is the first time that I have ever not been able to lose weight when I am actually really trying. Usually I can't get my head into the right space to exercise and eat well and that is why I don't lose anything....but this time I am really trying. Despite wanting to give up so badly, I will keep going. I am going to try just eating lean meat and salad all next week for dinner to see if this helps? The weekend is always a big hurdle for me, as this is when I generally want to tuck into the chocolate and cakes. I must really try and stay busy!
If the weather is OK, I will take the dogs to the off-leash park tomorrow. Jack has his stitches out now and his wound is nearly completely healed so he should be OK. He will go absolutely crazy there because he hasn't been for 2-3 weeks. He loves nothing more than running around and having other dogs chase him. He has very long legs and is quite fast so most dogs can't catch him. He loves that they can't catch him....He looks as though he is "showing off" when he runs. Each morning when I have been getting dressed to go for a run, he seems as though he wants to come. I will take him but not now. I just think running 8kms with only a quick stop at the half-way point may be a bit much for him so soon after his operation. I always feel mean dragging him away from sniffing, etc because I don't like to stop on my run.
I worked out a budget today for J and I to stick to so we can start saving. I worked out we were wasting about $500 per week on "nothing" so this has to stop. Our plan now is to put $300 of this into savings and then we each have $100 a week spending money. It will be interesting to see how this goes as I have NEVER saved in my whole life. Our goal is to buy a townhouse or a villa so we can stop paying rent and have something of our own.
Well I will be off now to occupy myself with the internet until 4pm!!
Have an awesome weekend!
Miss Pinky
PS: Thanks for your comments Julie. Unfortunately I can't work out how to leave comments on your blog but it is very interesting....Especially the stuff about yawning! :-)
I had a couple of job interviews on Wednesday and Thursday. One was a customer service/order management type role in a factory that made nuts, dried fruit, etc. It seemed like a very relaxed role but not "manly" like my current one. I liked them, they liked me but the salary they were offering was about $15K less than I get now. I just could never let myself drop that much, no matter what the job was. I certainly did not like it that much! The second interview was with a recruitment company. They have an Admin/Customer Service role with a company that makes infant wear that they think would suit me. I will probably be meeting with the company towards the end of next week. I have also applied for a couple more roles today, as I need to get out of here. There are all these jobs coming up that are a really big hassle so I would rather leave before then. Also, if I can leave in the next three weeks, I only have to give one day's notice.
I have been very, very good with my exercise this week. I have stuck to it completely. I have done 4 runs and 2 weight sessions so far and I have another weights session tonight that will complete my week. Tomorrow I have no exercise on at all and I cannot wait! I have been up all week at 5am, pounding the footpath in the freezing cold so I can't wait to stay in bed until at least 8am. It will be heaven! Tonight I am also meeting with the personal trainer lady. I will see what she has to offer and decide whether to sign up or not.
My food has been pretty good (Much better than previously) except last night we went out for dinner and I had a creamy pasta and a lemon meringue pie. My stomach was so sore and cramped up after it. I told myself "no running for me in the morning" so I was very proud when I actually did it! All week I have remained at my same horrible weight. This is the first time that I have ever not been able to lose weight when I am actually really trying. Usually I can't get my head into the right space to exercise and eat well and that is why I don't lose anything....but this time I am really trying. Despite wanting to give up so badly, I will keep going. I am going to try just eating lean meat and salad all next week for dinner to see if this helps? The weekend is always a big hurdle for me, as this is when I generally want to tuck into the chocolate and cakes. I must really try and stay busy!
If the weather is OK, I will take the dogs to the off-leash park tomorrow. Jack has his stitches out now and his wound is nearly completely healed so he should be OK. He will go absolutely crazy there because he hasn't been for 2-3 weeks. He loves nothing more than running around and having other dogs chase him. He has very long legs and is quite fast so most dogs can't catch him. He loves that they can't catch him....He looks as though he is "showing off" when he runs. Each morning when I have been getting dressed to go for a run, he seems as though he wants to come. I will take him but not now. I just think running 8kms with only a quick stop at the half-way point may be a bit much for him so soon after his operation. I always feel mean dragging him away from sniffing, etc because I don't like to stop on my run.
I worked out a budget today for J and I to stick to so we can start saving. I worked out we were wasting about $500 per week on "nothing" so this has to stop. Our plan now is to put $300 of this into savings and then we each have $100 a week spending money. It will be interesting to see how this goes as I have NEVER saved in my whole life. Our goal is to buy a townhouse or a villa so we can stop paying rent and have something of our own.
Well I will be off now to occupy myself with the internet until 4pm!!
Have an awesome weekend!
Miss Pinky
PS: Thanks for your comments Julie. Unfortunately I can't work out how to leave comments on your blog but it is very interesting....Especially the stuff about yawning! :-)
Wednesday, 4 July 2007
The most crazy job interview ever!
My job interview yesterday felt more like a scary dream than anything else. As soon as I arrived at the place, I started to have doubts. The Receptionist was very "rough looking"...A few too many years spent taking drugs I think! I was then told the CEO was running about 20 minutes late. I waited 25 minutes and then he turned up. He was a man in his 50's and rather overweight and short. As I was following him to his office, he yelled out someone that he would be "5 minutes". I thought "mmmm....that is rather odd". Well, it was more like 2 minutes!!!! He would ask me a question and as soon as I started to answer he would cut me off and ask another question. basically, without any real "interview" as such he said he wanted to hire me but the money was a problem. He asked if I would take $5K less a year for the first 3 months and then move to what I wanted to get. I said "What is the role? I know nothing at all about it". He said "Doesn't matter....Some customer service, maybe get you to write some articles for us. You start tomorrow". I said "No, I have a job and I can't just not return". He said "OK, start Monday". I agreed and he then sent me to the Customer Service Manager. She did not know what I would be doing either and said he normally does not interview but he wanted to meet me. So, basically I was taking a drop in pay for a role that nobody had any idea about....including me! I also asked if they had nurses trained in sexual health or sex therapists that worked there and she said "no". This is a company dealing with men's sexual health issues and nobody there is a qualified sexual health professional???
I went home, feeling really overwhelmed by it all. The place had this very "weird" feeling to it. The majority of the office space was a call centre and the people working there looked very bitter and angry. I heard someone talking to a customer and they were so rude!!! I decided I just can't take this role. Taking a pay cut would be a silly thing to do and I would worry about the job security. More importantly, I really don't believe in their product and would hate to put my name to something that, in my opinion, does nothing but fuel men's insecurities about their sexual performance.
I strongly believe that there is too much sexual pressure on men these days. Men are really concerned about "lasting longer" in the bedroom. My theory is that they should "cum" when they are ready. As long as they feel enjoyment from it then that is the main thing (Sometimes men who experience rapid ejaculation can cum but feel no positive sensations). Women do not need an erect penis to orgasm....The majority of women need clitoral stimulation and this is best achieved orally or manually anyway, hence, no penis needed. Women also need to take control of their orgasms and be involved in the process by thinking positive erotic thoughts. It should not be all left up to the man. Any men reading this, please relax in the bedroom. You have a mouth and hands to pleasure your partner so, if you should cum early on, utilise these things. You may find that many women actually prefer oral sex or touching anyway! The point of this "rambling" was that if I were to accept the job, I would have to go against these beliefs and try to encourage men to believe their "performance" was an issue and that the company's "nasal spray" would help them. So, today I will let them know I will not be starting with them.
Despite my great day yesterday with very minimal "straying" from my diet, I have gained 0.2kgs this morning. YAY!!!! I am really getting upset about this and it is not just the scales....I even look bigger! Something just must give soon! I did my weights this morning, even though I still felt quite sore. I have pulled up OK though and I am thinking of doing some swimming laps tonight to help with my recovery. I don't like swimming though as I find it very boring!
On a more positive note, I finally got something that I really wanted yesterday! My sister has a dress that I absolutely love and she never, ever wears. My Mum bought it for her and I always tell her she should give it to me but she says "No, I will wear it". Well last night she gave in! I am now wearing this lovely knitted dress over tights and it is so comfortable. I told her if she ever wanted it back to let me know. The thing is that my sister (who is 19) has the total opposite body to me. She has a chubby upper body and small legs and bum. I have the smaller upper body and big legs and bum. So, a dress that needs to be belted at the waist does not suit her, as she does not have much of a waist. I am not being mean here....My sister and I are both fully aware of the negatives of our bodies!!!!
I have applied for 2 customer service jobs this morning, both of them are in the same suburb I now am in. One recruitment person has just called me and I have a 1pm interview tomorrow. I will see what happens with that. This means more uncomfortable clothes needed for tomorrow! Also - Jack gets his stitches out tonight.
The Good of yesterday: Nearly ate exactly what I planned on, went for a run, no dessert, water was good.
The Bad: A vegemite sandwich on white bread that was unplanned in the afternoon and 2 plain biscuits before dinner
The Ugly: Me....and my huge weight on the scales! (Only joking!)
Well I better go. I actually have some stuff to do today.
Have a good one!
Miss Pinky
I went home, feeling really overwhelmed by it all. The place had this very "weird" feeling to it. The majority of the office space was a call centre and the people working there looked very bitter and angry. I heard someone talking to a customer and they were so rude!!! I decided I just can't take this role. Taking a pay cut would be a silly thing to do and I would worry about the job security. More importantly, I really don't believe in their product and would hate to put my name to something that, in my opinion, does nothing but fuel men's insecurities about their sexual performance.
I strongly believe that there is too much sexual pressure on men these days. Men are really concerned about "lasting longer" in the bedroom. My theory is that they should "cum" when they are ready. As long as they feel enjoyment from it then that is the main thing (Sometimes men who experience rapid ejaculation can cum but feel no positive sensations). Women do not need an erect penis to orgasm....The majority of women need clitoral stimulation and this is best achieved orally or manually anyway, hence, no penis needed. Women also need to take control of their orgasms and be involved in the process by thinking positive erotic thoughts. It should not be all left up to the man. Any men reading this, please relax in the bedroom. You have a mouth and hands to pleasure your partner so, if you should cum early on, utilise these things. You may find that many women actually prefer oral sex or touching anyway! The point of this "rambling" was that if I were to accept the job, I would have to go against these beliefs and try to encourage men to believe their "performance" was an issue and that the company's "nasal spray" would help them. So, today I will let them know I will not be starting with them.
Despite my great day yesterday with very minimal "straying" from my diet, I have gained 0.2kgs this morning. YAY!!!! I am really getting upset about this and it is not just the scales....I even look bigger! Something just must give soon! I did my weights this morning, even though I still felt quite sore. I have pulled up OK though and I am thinking of doing some swimming laps tonight to help with my recovery. I don't like swimming though as I find it very boring!
On a more positive note, I finally got something that I really wanted yesterday! My sister has a dress that I absolutely love and she never, ever wears. My Mum bought it for her and I always tell her she should give it to me but she says "No, I will wear it". Well last night she gave in! I am now wearing this lovely knitted dress over tights and it is so comfortable. I told her if she ever wanted it back to let me know. The thing is that my sister (who is 19) has the total opposite body to me. She has a chubby upper body and small legs and bum. I have the smaller upper body and big legs and bum. So, a dress that needs to be belted at the waist does not suit her, as she does not have much of a waist. I am not being mean here....My sister and I are both fully aware of the negatives of our bodies!!!!
I have applied for 2 customer service jobs this morning, both of them are in the same suburb I now am in. One recruitment person has just called me and I have a 1pm interview tomorrow. I will see what happens with that. This means more uncomfortable clothes needed for tomorrow! Also - Jack gets his stitches out tonight.
The Good of yesterday: Nearly ate exactly what I planned on, went for a run, no dessert, water was good.
The Bad: A vegemite sandwich on white bread that was unplanned in the afternoon and 2 plain biscuits before dinner
The Ugly: Me....and my huge weight on the scales! (Only joking!)
Well I better go. I actually have some stuff to do today.
Have a good one!
Miss Pinky
Tuesday, 3 July 2007
I feel like I have been hit by a train!
Yes....That is right! Silly, silly me! Yesterday I had major muscle soreness from weights, which just got worse as the day went by. Last night before bed, I had a protein drink as I had been told the protein would help to repair my muscles. Guess what? It really worked!! I woke up this morning a little bit sore but about 200% better than I was yesterday. So, what did I do? I went for a run of course! What a stupid move that was! Now I am aching even worse than ever!! I can hardly walk and stairs are the worst! Hopefully a couple more protein drinks today and a hot bath tonight will fix me.
I have a job interview this afternoon. It is a customer service role for a company involved in men's sexual health, so it is right up my alley! The salary they are offering is much less than I want but I thought with my experience in the field of sexual health, they may be willing to negotiate. I will see how it goes. I am definitely going to go to this interview, as I will feel better about myself working within the same field I hope to get in to after my studies. My only concern is that the position may be shift work....If so, I will not be interested. I have done shift work before (but only between the hours of 5am and 11pm) and I found that it totally messed up my eating and exercise. I also like to spend my spare time with J, so shift work is not an option for me.
Despite a really big effort on the exercise front (7 days straight) and cutting out a lot of my cakes, biscuits and chocolates, I am still at a high weight today. This upsets me greatly, as I certainly don't get up at 5am and run for the fun of it! Ordinarily, I should have dropped some weight by now so I am feeling a little disheartened. I measured my waist and it is 5cm larger than at my lowest. What is going on??? I even thought "maybe I am pregnant" because I have never had this much difficulty losing weight before. I will keep at it for at least another week and see how I go. If I have lost nothing by then, I will be tempted to go back to eating cakes and biscuits and doing minimal exercise. If I am being very good and am still the same weight as when I do what I want, I know which option is more attractive!! I am so sick of my clothes that were once loose feeling tight!! The hard thing is that I am really trying to do something about it but to no avail!
To give you an idea of my average day, here is yesterday's food and exercise. It is not too great but not so bad either!
BREAKFAST: 1 sachet instant oats made with water, splash of skim milk, 1 cup blueberries
MORNING TEA: Protein drink made with water (125 cals)
LUNCH: Lean chicken breast, spinach and low fat sundried tomatoes on 2 slices wholemeal bread plus 1 cup low-fat yoghurt
AFTERNOON TEA: 2 handfuls sunflower kernels , 1 slice lean chicken breast, 6 weight watchers cookies and 8 squares dark chocolate....... (Bad bits underlined)
DINNER: 1 can pea and ham soup plus 2 wholegrain rolls (probably should have only had one)
BEFORE BED: Protein drink made with water (125cals)
EXERCISE: 1 hour run at about 8.5km/hr
DRINKS: 2 litres water, 1 green tea, 2 cans coke zero
The above is certainly not perfect but the only things that can count as "bad" are the cookies, chocolate and the extra roll. The last few weeks I would have eaten 1/2 a large block of chocolate, banana bread and other cakes and stayed the same weight too! So, at this point I am asking "Is there any point to this?". I need to remain focused and just keep going with it. I can't stay at this uncomfortable weight. Surely some weight has to budge soon??
Well, I better go and work out what I am having for morning tea....Maybe a cup of yoghurt with some blueberries in it??? Even though the disheartened me thinks "Just get some banana bread (read: cake) and a chocolate bar!"
Hope you all have a great day!
Miss Pinky
I have a job interview this afternoon. It is a customer service role for a company involved in men's sexual health, so it is right up my alley! The salary they are offering is much less than I want but I thought with my experience in the field of sexual health, they may be willing to negotiate. I will see how it goes. I am definitely going to go to this interview, as I will feel better about myself working within the same field I hope to get in to after my studies. My only concern is that the position may be shift work....If so, I will not be interested. I have done shift work before (but only between the hours of 5am and 11pm) and I found that it totally messed up my eating and exercise. I also like to spend my spare time with J, so shift work is not an option for me.
Despite a really big effort on the exercise front (7 days straight) and cutting out a lot of my cakes, biscuits and chocolates, I am still at a high weight today. This upsets me greatly, as I certainly don't get up at 5am and run for the fun of it! Ordinarily, I should have dropped some weight by now so I am feeling a little disheartened. I measured my waist and it is 5cm larger than at my lowest. What is going on??? I even thought "maybe I am pregnant" because I have never had this much difficulty losing weight before. I will keep at it for at least another week and see how I go. If I have lost nothing by then, I will be tempted to go back to eating cakes and biscuits and doing minimal exercise. If I am being very good and am still the same weight as when I do what I want, I know which option is more attractive!! I am so sick of my clothes that were once loose feeling tight!! The hard thing is that I am really trying to do something about it but to no avail!
To give you an idea of my average day, here is yesterday's food and exercise. It is not too great but not so bad either!
BREAKFAST: 1 sachet instant oats made with water, splash of skim milk, 1 cup blueberries
MORNING TEA: Protein drink made with water (125 cals)
LUNCH: Lean chicken breast, spinach and low fat sundried tomatoes on 2 slices wholemeal bread plus 1 cup low-fat yoghurt
AFTERNOON TEA: 2 handfuls sunflower kernels , 1 slice lean chicken breast, 6 weight watchers cookies and 8 squares dark chocolate....... (Bad bits underlined)
DINNER: 1 can pea and ham soup plus 2 wholegrain rolls (probably should have only had one)
BEFORE BED: Protein drink made with water (125cals)
EXERCISE: 1 hour run at about 8.5km/hr
DRINKS: 2 litres water, 1 green tea, 2 cans coke zero
The above is certainly not perfect but the only things that can count as "bad" are the cookies, chocolate and the extra roll. The last few weeks I would have eaten 1/2 a large block of chocolate, banana bread and other cakes and stayed the same weight too! So, at this point I am asking "Is there any point to this?". I need to remain focused and just keep going with it. I can't stay at this uncomfortable weight. Surely some weight has to budge soon??
Well, I better go and work out what I am having for morning tea....Maybe a cup of yoghurt with some blueberries in it??? Even though the disheartened me thinks "Just get some banana bread (read: cake) and a chocolate bar!"
Hope you all have a great day!
Miss Pinky
Monday, 2 July 2007
An Enlightening Weekend
Good Morning and welcome to this fabulous Monday. I am only joking....I really don't like Monday's as I have to come back to this horrible place!!! I also have nothing at all on this week so I will need to "look busy" for 8 hours each day!
I had a fairly quiet weekend as Jack still has his stitches in, so we tried to stay home as much as we could. He is much better though and gets his stitches out on Wednesday night. He is allowed to go for walks now but is not allowed to run around at the off-leash dog park. I will probably give it a week or so after his stitches are out before taking him there.....Just in case a dog rumbles him and hurts him. Today is his first day at home alone, as J had to go back to work today. We left him heaps of chew treats and some lamb shanks to try and occupy him so he doesn't lick at his wound. I hope he is OK today.
On Saturday we visited a local GNC shop (sells vitamins, protein powders, etc) as J wanted to get some protein powder. We ended up being served by a lady that spent about an hour with us, telling us how we should be eating and how we should be training. It was very interesting and some things she advised were the total opposite of what I had always believed. She was saying that I should not be running, as cardio does not lead to weight loss. She believes all I need to be doing is lifting weights in the Gym. She also advised that I need to eat more protein than I am and recommended I use the protein powder also. She told me to have no fruit at all, except for berries, as my body will treat fruit the same as a chocolate bar.
So, I have started using the protein powder as a drink and I do find it keeps me full much longer than my usual "carb loaded" snacks. I have also started weight training as of yesterday and today I can hardly walk!! Although, I will still run 3-4 times a week as running makes me feel much better about myself. J and I are looking at doing personal training with this lady as we believe she could help us gain great results very fast. Her website is if you are interested in having a look. This lady seems very "tough" but I might just need that. She was upset that I always put my legs down as she said they are my best asset. She told me I don't like them as they are covered in fat but if I could get that off, they would look much better. I felt upset that she was telling me they were fat but I had a good "squeeze" at them in the shower and she is right. So, I will see what happens with this and keep you updated!
I was not great with food over the weekend but not as bad as previous weeks. I still "blew out" on biscuits and chocolate but otherwise I did OK. I also did exercise each day so I am proud of myself for that and I have already gone for my run this morning. My new exercise plan will now be 3-4 runs per week, 3 weights sessions and one complete rest day.
A funny thing happened on Saturday night. I was tidying up the kitchen after dinner and I could see a spot of mould on the ceiling so I decided to wipe it off. I got up on the bench and as soon as my hand touched the ceiling, my hand went right THROUGH it!!! It made this hole in the ceiling because the whole area was wet. We rent our house so I was a bit freaked out. The owner came over yesterday and had a look and he will sort it out. It just annoys me because that means more workmen in the house so J or I will have to take time off work. I don't let people in the house when I am not home because the dogs will get upset and also I am not sure that Max would not bite an "intruder".
Well I am off to a weekly meeting now. Boring people updating on boring things!!! PLEASE get me out of here!!!!
The Good: Exercised every day, Bought new exercise tights which are so comfortable, Have a new album on my MP3 player which is my favourite Album to run to (Rancid: Out Come The Wolves) and started protein powders and weight training.
The Bad: No breakfast eaten on Saturday or Sunday due to sleeping later than usual.
The Ugly: The 30 or so biscuits I dunked in my tea yesterday afternoon and the peanut butter and jam sandwich I ate after dinner last night!
Until we meet again
Miss Pinky
I had a fairly quiet weekend as Jack still has his stitches in, so we tried to stay home as much as we could. He is much better though and gets his stitches out on Wednesday night. He is allowed to go for walks now but is not allowed to run around at the off-leash dog park. I will probably give it a week or so after his stitches are out before taking him there.....Just in case a dog rumbles him and hurts him. Today is his first day at home alone, as J had to go back to work today. We left him heaps of chew treats and some lamb shanks to try and occupy him so he doesn't lick at his wound. I hope he is OK today.
On Saturday we visited a local GNC shop (sells vitamins, protein powders, etc) as J wanted to get some protein powder. We ended up being served by a lady that spent about an hour with us, telling us how we should be eating and how we should be training. It was very interesting and some things she advised were the total opposite of what I had always believed. She was saying that I should not be running, as cardio does not lead to weight loss. She believes all I need to be doing is lifting weights in the Gym. She also advised that I need to eat more protein than I am and recommended I use the protein powder also. She told me to have no fruit at all, except for berries, as my body will treat fruit the same as a chocolate bar.
So, I have started using the protein powder as a drink and I do find it keeps me full much longer than my usual "carb loaded" snacks. I have also started weight training as of yesterday and today I can hardly walk!! Although, I will still run 3-4 times a week as running makes me feel much better about myself. J and I are looking at doing personal training with this lady as we believe she could help us gain great results very fast. Her website is if you are interested in having a look. This lady seems very "tough" but I might just need that. She was upset that I always put my legs down as she said they are my best asset. She told me I don't like them as they are covered in fat but if I could get that off, they would look much better. I felt upset that she was telling me they were fat but I had a good "squeeze" at them in the shower and she is right. So, I will see what happens with this and keep you updated!
I was not great with food over the weekend but not as bad as previous weeks. I still "blew out" on biscuits and chocolate but otherwise I did OK. I also did exercise each day so I am proud of myself for that and I have already gone for my run this morning. My new exercise plan will now be 3-4 runs per week, 3 weights sessions and one complete rest day.
A funny thing happened on Saturday night. I was tidying up the kitchen after dinner and I could see a spot of mould on the ceiling so I decided to wipe it off. I got up on the bench and as soon as my hand touched the ceiling, my hand went right THROUGH it!!! It made this hole in the ceiling because the whole area was wet. We rent our house so I was a bit freaked out. The owner came over yesterday and had a look and he will sort it out. It just annoys me because that means more workmen in the house so J or I will have to take time off work. I don't let people in the house when I am not home because the dogs will get upset and also I am not sure that Max would not bite an "intruder".
Well I am off to a weekly meeting now. Boring people updating on boring things!!! PLEASE get me out of here!!!!
The Good: Exercised every day, Bought new exercise tights which are so comfortable, Have a new album on my MP3 player which is my favourite Album to run to (Rancid: Out Come The Wolves) and started protein powders and weight training.
The Bad: No breakfast eaten on Saturday or Sunday due to sleeping later than usual.
The Ugly: The 30 or so biscuits I dunked in my tea yesterday afternoon and the peanut butter and jam sandwich I ate after dinner last night!
Until we meet again
Miss Pinky
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