Monday 5 November 2007

Cold and Hungry.....

I have officially survived the weekend! I did a Spin class on Saturday morning, making it 5 exercise sessions for the week. Food-wise, I am rather proud of myself, basically only breaking from my plan to have a biscuit each day. This morning, I am 66.4kgs, so I have lost 1.8kgs this week. Yay!!!!! My clothes are already feeling much better.

I have planned out my food and exercise for the week, although it looks nearly identical to last week! I think because I lost a good amount of weight I am now too scared to deviate at all.

I discovered weight watcher's cake bars on the weekend. These are great if you have a sweet tooth....they taste like mud cake and are only about 70 calories each. You really feel as though you have eaten something "bad" though.

My plan for today:
Breakfast: Fruit salad
Morn tea: Rice crackers
Lunch: Grain roll, chicken, tomato, lettuce, low-fat dijonnaise
Afternoon tea: Raspberry yoghurt (about 1/2 cup)
Dinner: 1 egg, 1/2 can spaghetti, 2 grain toast (Lazy dinner as J home late)
Dessert: Either an ice block or a W/W cake bar
Exercise: Spin class tonight

It is very cold in Sydney today....rainy and windy. I always find I am more hungry on these days and love to eat things like biscuits, cakes, chocolates so I will need to be really STRONG today.

I am a bit freaked out by my lack of running (only doing 1 run a week) as I am meant to be doing the Central Coast half marathon in about 4 weeks. I am finding that the Spinning is doing much more for my weight loss and fitness though, so that is why I am doing more of this. Even though I do find the Spin classes much harder than a run. I guess if I can get some kilos off, the running will be easier and it is not as though my body will "forget" how to run. My longer term goal is still the Gold Coast Marathon in 2008......I will see how I go.

Miss Pinky

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