Tuesday 26 June 2007

A sick dog, A spare tyre and Never-ending rain....

(I can't seem to work out how to put comments to the pics so here 'tis: Billy the Orangutan and I Phuket Zoo 2006......J and I at Hard Rock Cafe in Bangkok 2006.......J and a rather large beer Phuket 2006. These are some snaps from an awesome holiday we had late last year. We went to Phuket, Bangkok and Kuala Lumpur for 3 weeks. I miss it so much!!!)

First I shall start on the sick dog.....He is now on anti-inflammatory tablets to help with the swelling. He seems to be OK during the day but at night he gets really, really quiet. He did not sleep with us again last night. He stayed on the couch alone. I got up at 6am today and he had moved to a cold canvas dog bed in the dining room and he was shivering to death! We had to give him a hot water bottle and wrap him in blankets. I just wish he would start sleeping with us again so at least I know he is warm. It has been 5 days since his operation and I just want him to recover and get back to his old crazy self.
The "Spare Tyre" refers to a lovely covering of fat that has appeared all over my abdomen. You know those blow-up rings that kids use for swimming?? It looks like I have one of those around me!!! So, what am I doing about it? Well, I just had a massive slice of banana bread and a chocolate bar for morning tea so that should help....Not! I have decided to join Jenny Craig next week though. I am not a big fan of diets that use pre-packaged foods but I did lose 10kgs on the program 2 years ago as part of my 20kg loss and I have kept it off until now. I don't know what is wrong with my head at the moment but I wouldn't even know how to spell "willpower", let alone utilise it! I can't seem to get "full" no matter what I do and I find that from 5pm until 10pm I have food in my mouth constantly! I think I need Jenny Craig to help me along as I find the concept of fronting up for "weigh in" each week very motivating. J seems to think I should be able to do this by myself as Jenny Craig food is very expensive but I just know I can't. My head is not in a good place at the moment and I need some help. I weighed myself this morning and I weigh more than I have in two years....I am honestly putting on about half a kilo each day at the moment and that is just plain disgusting!! I am petrified I will keep getting heavier if I don't do something now and I will end up as my "Before" photo which is on my fridge. It is looking more like a mirror reflection these days, rather than a nightmare!!!!

It feels like it has been raining in Sydney for an eternity! Yes....I know we are in a drought and I should be grateful but we have seriously had torrential downpours for weeks now. I can't remember seeing anything like it. It means that I have a fabulous excuse for not running and, as anybody who is struggling to locate their lost "Diet Girl" will know, any excuse will do at the moment! If I were honest though, even if there were beautiful bright skies outside and it was 25 degrees, I would still find an excuse! If you are looking for an excuse then you shall definitely find it!!!
I have my interview this afternoon for the Chocolate job. I wasn't sure it would go ahead, as the recruitment company called me yesterday afternoon and mentioned the salary, which was much lower than I expected. After some emails back and forth, the company has agreed that, if I am successful, I can start on a slightly higher salary level. It will still be less than I am getting now and with some extra travel time but at least it will be doing a job that I don't despise! So, I have a suit in the car and I need to quickly change after work and then quickly get into the City and find a park (which will be impossible) in time. The recruitment company have told me that, if they like me, they will then send me stright to the company for an interview. I think I should get home about 8pm tonight from all of this. At least I won't be able to eat during the interviews....ha ha ha!!!!!

I was thinking a little more yesterday about what my "dreams" in life are.....I have always wanted to live in Queensland, as I believe I would have a better quality of life there with the warmer weather. I love Queensland....I think it is beautiful and has everything I want there. My ex-husband used to say that he wanted to move there too but when we had a chance to do it, he backed out. J thinks that it is really hard to get a good job there and he thinks they pay less, so he is not convinced it's the right thing to do. Maybe I should do some background research and look at the jobs and property available and that may sway his decision?? I feel I could be so much happier there....Or am I really just running from myself???

I would like to say "thanks" to Julie for the comment posted on my last post. My first comment....how cute! I will definitely have a read of your blog, as my "dog training" skills leave much to be desired! I am hopeless! All my dogs can do is sit for a treat. They come when called sometimes but only if they want to. Hopefully I can learn something from you!!!

Miss Pinky

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