Thursday 21 June 2007

Poor Jack....

(Max & Jack playing "tug of war")

Today is the "big day"....My one year old beautiful Jack Russell dog, Jack, is having his operation. It is very hard for me to concentrate today and I wish this had all never happened but it has so I now need to deal with it! About 3 weeks ago I found a lump on his back under his skin. After a few Vet visits, they decided that the lump is "suss" and may be cancerous so they are cutting it out today. I know it is not a major operation but anything can happen, even during a minor procedure. Fingers, toes and intestines crossed that all goes well. Once they remove the lump, it will be sent to pathology and if it is cancerous he will probably have to have chemotherapy.

Once Jack gets home tonight he cannot be walked for 5 days. Anybody who has ever known a Jack Russell (especially a young Jack Russell) will know how hard this will be. He is the most energetic and hyperactive dog I have ever seen. He loves to run and run and run. About an hour after waking up each day he starts jumping up on me constantly and crying because he wants to go out. Even if I didn't want to take this dog out every day, I would have no choice. He would drive me crazy if I didn't. So, the next 5 days will be very difficult, to say the least! My fiance has taken a few days off work to make sure our other dog, Max, does not hassle him when he gets home, so at least someone is there to look after him.

I did my Spin Class last night. I so desperately wanted to skip it and made up my mind I was not going to go but my fiance seemed annoyed with me as he wanted to go, so at the last minute I got dressed and went. It was a killer. I was so sweaty it was unbelievable....It was just pouring off me! I didn't expect to get so sweaty when the weather is so cold but I worked very hard and I was proud of myself in the end. Tonight I will either run or do a Spin Class, depending on what time Jack gets home from the Vet. I am hanging out for the weekend, as I will do no exercise on those days....unless I go and swim some laps, which is not very gruelling at all. I can also spend some time pampering Jack....and Max of course!

I am having lunch today with a girl from my work. I hate going out for lunch when I am at work. I just find that I am then tempted with "bad" food choices and I also don't like paying for lunch when I could bring something from home. I am not a tightar*e.....I just prefer to spend my money on other things! Anyway, it appears it has now become "common knowledge" that hate it here and the managing Director's PA has asked her to take me to lunch to see how I am doing, what they can do, etc, etc. The issue is that there is nothing they can do to make me like it here as it is the "essence" of the job that I hate. I hate how "blokey" the role is and there is nothing they can do about it. I will lie to her though and make out it is OK as I am scared they will say "OK See you" and then I will have no job! I applied for a few more jobs today so I hope one of them is successful....

I better sign off and work out what I will say at lunch. I guess I have to have some feedback!

Over and Out

Miss Pinky.

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