Wednesday 27 June 2007

Getting through the "hump" day

Well it is Wednesday, otherwise known as "hump day" and once today is over, I will be on the fast-track to the weekend...Yay!!! I often feel that I "wish away" the majority of my life. As soon as I wake up, I can't wait to get home from work again and this continues through every working week. J works a second job between 2 and 3 nights a week and on those nights I can't wait for it to be the next day so I can spend some time with him. Why can't I just enjoy the journey, as I certainly don't have a destination in mind??!! I think my main issue is that I don't enjoy my job and, let's face it, work is where we spend the majority of our waking hours. I really hope to be employed in a great job one day, where I enjoy going to work. Hopefully this can happen when I have finished studying in about 2 years time.

My dog is getting better, which is such a relief! Also we found out that the lump was not cancerous so that is just awesome! The Vet said that he had experienced a great trauma that had caused the cells in that area to die off and what was removed was basically rotting tissue. Yuck!!! Jack is 18 months old and I have had him since he was 8 weeks old. He is an extremely spoilt dog (sleeps in our bed, lays on the lounge, goes out to parks all day on the weekend, eats porterhouse steak, is "carried" around the house like a baby) so I dare say I would know if he had experienced "major trauma". The only thing I can think of is when he was rumbled very badly by a staffy in our street about a month ago. The staffy was off the lead and just started to attack Jack but there were no marks at all on him so I thought he was OK. That is the only traumatic event that I can honestly think of. At least he is getting better and that is the main thing!!

When I got home last night J had cooked a romantic 3 course meal, complete with sparkling apple juice (I don't drink alcohol) which was very thoughtful of him! Lucky I am still being "Hippo Girl" instead of "Diet Girl", otherwise I would not have been happy with the masses of food!!! It was very nice of him and it would have taken ages to prepare such delicious things. I can tell he is trying to make an effort to "romanticise" things. Maybe I should do the same, instead of constantly worrying about my "extra padding"!

I didn't go for the interview yesterday afterall. I decided that it would be too far to travel and for slightly less money, it wasn't worth it. It would also have been a role that required more hours than I do here. Hopefully I find something soon and, if not, at least I am getting paid here.

I thought I should let you know a little more about me so here are 10 interesting facts about me:

(1) I have a brother 10 years older than me and a sister 10 years younger
(2) I used to work as a Receptionist in a nude massage parlour, which was very interesting, to say the least!
(3) I am a major clean freak....Bordering on OCD
(4) I am highly organised and love to write daily schedules, complete with times for showering and getting dressed
(5) I do not drink alcohol as I don't like the taste and have a very low tolerance. I like to know what I am doing at all times and I like to drive home. I can still have fun though!
(6) My biggest fear in life is public speaking or "presentations" more specifically. I have been to Psychologists to cure this fear with no success. I would rather you cut off my right arm (honestly) than have to do a presentation. This has been very debilitating throughout my life.
(7) I never, ever, ever leave home without lip gloss and dental floss. I have very full lips and big teeth so these items are more necessary to me than my wallet and mobile phone.
(8) I hate smoking like nothing else on earth! I cannot stand when someone is smoking near me, especially when I get a big puff of smoke when I am out for a run. Yuck!
(9) I am very bad at making decisions. Although I deliberate over decisions for ages and consider all the pros and cons of each option, I ultimately make the wrong choice. I can probably count on one hand the good decisions I have made in my life.
(10) I cannot cook to save my life! I don't even know how long to boil an egg for. I have no interest in learning either. I am desperately unenthused about cooking, even though I live to eat. I am lucky that all my partner's have always been able to cook.

Well that is enough about me.....

Until next time
Miss Pinky

1 comment:

Juli said...

I'm glad to hear Jack is doing better! My dog, Pico, just had a lump removed too - it turned out to be fat - which sounds much more appetizing than rotting tissue. Wish I could just have my fat removed!

Julie -