Tuesday 19 June 2007

I am alive!

The fact that I am writing this post tells you that, against all odds, I actually survived my run yesterday! Not without plenty of panting and coming in 5 minutes later than I usually do though!!! It is amazing how quickly your body can lose fitness and how much an extra 5 kilos can affect your ability to move. It makes you understand how really big people have trouble even walking around though. The top of my knees is a little sore today but nothing like I expected. I guess tomorrow is when I will really feel the pain.

I had a very good day yesterday food-wise until it got to dinner time. This is my usual downfall! I had a serve of dinner much bigger than I had planned, combined with garlic bread and sticky date pudding with icecream for dessert. As if this were not enough, I then tucked in to 5 lindt balls to top off my 1600 calorie evening. So much for "Diet Girl"! Beyond belief, I am down 1kg today from yesterday.....This goes to show just how badly I had been eating the past three weeks! I will be "good" today, at least until dinner anyway! Most of the bad food has been cleared out of the house so I should do better than last night. I also do not bring any money at all to work in case I am tempted to buy muffins or banana bread for morning tea. The takings from the "snack machine" at work must be down considerably from the last 3 weeks!

I have a run planned for this afternoon but the weather is not good in Sydney and they predict heavy rain, so I will have to see what happens. If it is light rain, I will brave it but running in a massive downpour does not appeal to me. I will be running around my Mum's house which is a run I love! I run straight past the beach and the run includes some flat areas, some downhills and one massive hill, so it is a good mix. This run is around 7kms and usually takes 45 minutes. As you can now see, I am not in danger of breaking any Olympic records!

The funny thing about my running is that I actually hate it. To be honest, I hate any form of physical exercise. Unfortunately, I am very short (about 158cms) and have a pear shaped body with stocky legs so running is the only way I can keep myself from "exploding". I have been running now for just over two years and I probably average about 30kms a week....Some weeks a little more and some weeks absolutely nothing! It seems rather silly to spend so much time doing something you hate but I have tried many other things and I don't like them either. I guess I have two choices: Run (which I hate) or put on lots of weight (which I hate). I alternate between these two evils at different times.

My poor dog is having an operation this Thursday so that has been consuming much of my thoughts. He is a Jack Russell, just over a year old and I love him more than anything. He has developed a lump on his back and they think it may be cancerous so they are cutting it out. I swear if anything happens to him I will end up in a psychiatric ward as I won't be able to cope!!! This is the first time I have had dogs and I never realised I could love something so much! My whole world revolves around these two dogs....They sleep in my bed (they are very clean), I spend all my spare time taking them out to off-leash dog parks and I hardly ever go out at night because I feel slack leaving them alone. Sometimes I think it is harder having dogs than kids because you can basically take kids anywhere with you. Dogs are quite often treated as "socially unacceptable".

Well, enough of my "ramblings"....Hopefully this has given you a further insight into who I am. Next time I shall discuss my job and how much I hate it!!

Take Care
Miss Pinky

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