Friday 11 January 2008

Friday....and loving it!!!

I can't seem to write what these pics are near the pics so they are: my sister and I, J and I and my new hair

End of the week and still going pretty good. I have exercised 5 days so far this week….3 aerobics classes (video), 1 run on the treadmill and a 10km outdoor run this morning. What this week has shown me is how hideously unfit and overweight I am. My run this morning absolutely killed me and I was really slow too. When I finally made it home I was all shaky and did not feel well at all. I even considered calling an ambulance to haul my fat arse off to hospital (only kidding)!! So, I now have decided to join the “personal trainer” bandwagon and I have booked in to start with one on Tuesday. I will see him 2 times per week for about 3 months and hopefully he can help me out. It will cost me a bit of money but I honestly can’t put a price on what I would pay to not look and feel this way, so it will all be worth it.

Food-wise I have pretty much been “spot on” and I don’t feel as hungry as I usually do when I try to be “good”. Still craving biscuits and cake but I guess I won’t be able to kick the “carb monster” that easily!! All in all I am feeling rather proud of my efforts this week and I already feel less lethargic, which is always good!!
I am hoping I can control myself over the weekend

I picked up my glasses last night so today is their “debut” or “first outing”. They feel rather strange and my neck is sore. I am probably just not used to them yet but I must say that the world is less “hazy” than it has been!

My vegie garden is doing great at the moment and has sprouted it’s first tomato….although it’s about the size of a 5 cent piece! At least things are growing in there anyway!! I also have a possum that is visiting my backyard every night and I have been leaving fruit out for it to eat. J tells me that now it won’t remember how to find it’s own food. This is probably true but I now feel obliged to feed it. It’s very cute. Although one of my dogs spends all his time outside at night barking at it, so we have to try and limit his backyard access at night. If the possum decides to attack him, it will really do damage to him. I have heard they are very vicious.

My weekend plans do not consist of much at all….which I love! I can just spend the 2 days taking my dogs to the dog park, catching up on some housework and resting.

Have a great weekend guys!!

Miss Pinky


Anonymous said...

well who is miss psunk then?

i love your hair!!!!

MISS PINKY said...

You must have bad taste!! Ha ha ha!! I do like my hair better lighter than darker though but it takes so much effort, as I'm sure you are well aware!!!

My sister is very pretty though....Natural blonde, blue eyes....She is a cutie!!!

Miss Pinky

Nic said...

Heya Pinky!

Sounds like you are hitting 2008 with a blast! good on you for getting back to your exercise and well done for getting a PT they are definatly worth it i say...prob why i decided to become one hahaha.

have a great weekend!


Rachael said...

hey! just found your blog(can't even remember how!). You talk like you are huuuge but you are not! What exactly IS your weight, if you don't mind divulging?

MISS PINKY said...

Hi Rachael,
Ha ha ha!!! I am 67.6 kilos today but I am only 158cms tall.

I am a bit hard on myself but some days I am honestly too scared to leave the house because I fear someone will make a comment about my weight. I guess that perhaps I think I look much bigger than I really do....but I know if I lose at least a few kilos I will feel much better about myself.

Perhaps I should spend the money I am about to pay for my personal trainer on a psychologist to help me out with my self esteem issues....ha ha ha!!!

Miss Pinky

Miss Pinky