Monday 14 January 2008

Back to the Grind

Monday again.....Yuck! I really miss the RDO's I used to get at my old work. It meant that I had something small to look forward to each month. Now it is simply 5 days each week, without a break. I guess I need to stop complaining because I have at least 30 years till retirement so I better get used to it. 30 years......330 months of working......7200 days.......57600 hours......I bet any 30-somethings reading this are in a really good frame of mind now!!! Sorry!!!

Anyway, my weekend was pretty good. On Saturday I went and got my glasses adjusted because they kept falling down my nose and were driving me crazy. Now they sit properly but my neck still aches when I wear them. I hope I can get used to them soon. I haven't had my usual afternoon headache so that is all good. Then I went and signed up for "3" wireless internet. It is really awesome....very quick to download.....and only costs $14.50 per month for 1GB. I am really happy with it and now I don't have cords all over the house! I spent the rest of Saturday sunbaking in the backyard, grocery shopping, etc.

Yesterday I went to the beach for a while and then had some lunch in the Mall and looked around the shops. I bought the same dress J got me for Xmas but in a different colour for less than half the price he paid....He is spewing!!! I always tend to buy the same things in different colours if I like them.

I did no exercise over the weekend because I woke up pretty late both days and, also, I had already completed 5 sessions during the week, which I thought would be sufficient. I will do some aerobics this afternoon and tomorrow morning I have my first personal training session. To be totally honest, I wish I hadn't organised this now because I don't want to pay the $425 but I feel obliged because I have booked it. If I cancelled, I would never go back to the Gym again just in case I saw the PT. This is just the way I am....rather weak and petrified of confrontation or people thinking badly of me. I guess any normal person would just cancel and not give it a second thought but I am far from "normal"! Perhaps this will force me to be more healthy as I know I am paying money to get results. Maybe it is just the lazy part of me that wants to cancel!

Food-wise I did OK over the weekend....Mostly I ate fairly healthily but I did have Thai food on Saturday night and I had an icecream and some lollies yesterday. All in all it is better than I would usually do on a weekend. I weigh about 1.2kgs less than last Monday, so at least somehing is shifting.....even if I am not being perfect.

I watched this TV show last night about celebrities getting their "body back" after having babies. Man....I can't believe the lengths these people go to to lose weight! Although I think the extreme measures are really bad for you (soup diets, etc) I am envious of their willpower and dedication. They are just so tiny!!!!

Anyway, back to the "grind" for me.....

Miss Pinky


Waffles said...

Hi Miss Pinky!! thanks for popping in to my blog hunni:)

I missed that show about the celebrity mums, dam!! Yes they are so tiny it makes me sick!!

Have a great day:)


Rachael said...

You are LUCKY to have PT sessions- I would love some, but no, I won't spend the money on it, so I guess I hear where you are coming from! Congrats on the good loss so far- that is awesome!

Nic said...

Good on you for doing something for yourself...look at the PT as an you! you won't regret it babes.
Glad you had a great weekend, nice bargon on the dress!

have a good day!

Anonymous said...

PT's are great! I'd get one, but I have an ED and they just crap on and on and OOOOOON and I don't need the shit quite frankly!!

You will totally get results using a PT honey, just give it a chance!
