Tuesday 15 January 2008

Bored To Bits!

(Once again I can't work out how to put words near the pics! Dog on floor is Max and dog on bed is Jack)

Far out…..I am soooooo bored at work it is just killing me!!! I have to wait for this guy at my work to do something before I am able to complete my work and he hasn’t done his “thing” so far this week so I am just sitting here trying to look busy while the paperwork piles up on my desk!!! This means that I am bored now and later in the week I will be really busy….Thanks heaps work guy!!! I can’t actually say anything because he is just covering the person’s job who normally does it for a couple of days.

I had my first personal training session this morning. It went OK I guess but I can’t feel anything in my muscles and the stuff we did was a bit basic I think. I ran for 20 minutes on the treadmill before having my 30 minute session so, all up, I did 50 minutes of exercise. Better than laying in bed I think! I am wondering if half an hour sessions are too short?? It seemed that as soon as it had started the half hour was up. I should really give it a few sessions before I pass judgement…..picky old cow that I am! The honest truth is probably that I don’t want to have to exercise….ha ha ha!!!

Food-wise I have been a little all over the shop…..Some things good, some not so good. I have to remain positive that one day I will strike some sort of balance between being healthy and treating myself.

I am going to the movies tonight. I never, ever go out anywhere during the week and I made a sort of “resolution” this year to try and do small things during the week to make the working week less painful for me. J and I are having some sushi for dinner and then watching I Am Legend. I don’t know what it is like but tickets are cheap on Tuesdays and at least it will get me out of the house. I hope my dogs don’t get upset when we are gone….Yes, this is how obsessed I am with my dogs!!! I hate leaving them alone at any time during the night but especially on week days when they have been alone all day anyway. My dogs are way too spoilt! I even slept top-to-tail in the bed with J last night (wrong way around) so a dog could have my pillow to sleep on at the top of the bed. Typing these words I realise I have mental issues!!!

I am trying to work out what to get J for Valentine’s day?? I know it is a month away but I get paid on the 15th of each month so I need to get his present with this pay. I was going to get him some new runners but he went into a running shop on the weekend and told me he is buying himself a new pair this week. It is so funny because every time I decide to buy him something, he buys it…..or I buy him something and then he tells me he wants to buy it and I have to tell him I already have it and ruin the surprise!! He really has everything so I find it very hard to buy for him. I think we have decided to go to the “Meat and Wine Co” in Darling Harbour for dinner on Valentine’s night. It is a really yummy restaurant….Probably not one for vegetarians!!

Miss Pinky….aka Miss “Piggy”!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Are you guys unmarried???

You CAN'T be married if you give a SHITE about Valentine's Day still!

Hehehehe! I'm about to endure my 5th wedded-lockdown anniversary darling.

Wanna bring me a cake with a fuckin nail file in it??? Hehehehe!

Miss LJ said...

Hi Miss Pinky,

Thanks for the comment on my blog... HD is such a good achievement for me!!

As for Valentines day... I think its great that you still but him a gift... I won't be buying my other half a pressie (trying to save for a house!) but we will go out for dinner somewhere yummy.. probably sushi!!

And yep, I reckon your dogs are spoilt!! hehehe... but I spoil my cats too and let them sleep on the bed.

Have a good one!!

MISS PINKY said...

Well....I am married Kitty.....but not to J! ha ha ha!!! I am still legally married to my ex husband. I need to sort out a divorce sometime I guess!

I do love Valentine's day though....I know it is probably just a commercial "money grab" but I enjoy giving (and receiving) presents.....among other things!

Miss lj....the pups are so spoilt today that I am making a mad dash home at lunchtime to see them. One of them was throwing up last night so I am worried about him. Fingers crossed that all is OK!!!