Thursday, 3 July 2008

Gymming and Stuff

So, what's been happening?? I have started back at the Gym, which is good news. The first week I only went a couple of times but this week I have been pretty good so far...2 Body Attacks, 1 Boxing class and 1 Pilates class under my ever-expanding belt. I did my first pilates class ever today. It was very, very good. Hard in a way that is very different for me. I am used to high intensity cardio where the difficulty lies in keeping up and breathing properly. The pilates class really worked my muscles and would be fantastic for strengthening I believe. I am also doing a Bikraam yoga class tomorrow for the first time. I have never done Yoga at all and this is done in a class heated to 38 degrees or something so it should be.....different! I love the idea of the heat and I love the idea of doing some low intensity stuff in place of my usual classes.

I have layed of the junk food considerably but I am still not being 100% strict with my food. I just need to gradually cut portions and cut things out or I will binge my head off!! The scales are showing a weight gain so I don't know what's going on there?? I have also started drinking more herbal teas and water. I feel much better though, even if the scales are not reflecting it. My skin is much clearer and I just feel "less full" and have more energy than a few weeks ago.

J and I have booked a weekend away to Noosa at the end of August. J is competing in the Noosa half marathon. The course is described as being "flat as a pancake". He is doing this in preparation for his full marathon in September. I am not sure if I will do Noosa yet. Considering the last time I ran was the 18th May, I may be a little "out of running shape", to say the very least!!!! I will start running again next week to get ready for my 11km run in a few weeks time. Not much training at all but the 11K is on a course that I run all the time and it's mostly downhill. I should be OK.

J and I are also looking at going to LA, Las Vegas and Mexico in December. The trip is going to be rather expensive though so we are still at the "investigation stage". Either way, I am taking 4 weeks annual leave in Dec and I will be going somewhere OS. I am very over work so I need a good break. My work is annoying me so much and I hate being on call 24hrs 7 days a week. If people cannot contact me IMMEDIATELY they don't even leave a message on my phone, they call my Boss. I don't think they realise I need to shower, go to the bathroom or do other stuff that I can't do with a phone. It is bad enough to always be on call, they should at least give me a few minutes to call them back!!!! GRRRRRRR!!!!!! This pisses me off so badly because I am actually very reliable and always call back within an hour. Now if only I could win Lotto.....

Well I am off to do some crappy paperwork and count down the hours until home time.

Miss Pinky


Anonymous said...

hi pinks baby, what type of work do you do????????

MISS PINKY said...

I am an "on call" escort.
No....not really Kitty!!! I work for a major oil company and I schedule deliveries of Bitumen across NSW. Very glamorous....NOT!!! The benefits?? It pays well and is close to home.