Wednesday, 5 March 2008

Fat Day

Today I just feel so fat it is not funny!!!! The number on the scales was not even bad this morning but I feel absolutely enormous, for some reason?? Truth be told, I have been pretty bad the past few days. I eat to "plan" for most of the day but then go and buy cookies and chocolate after I finish work and eat it before J gets home. This "secret eating" is worrying me!! If I need to hide it, then obviously what I am doing is not good. Last night I had to buy some bread from Coles.....I just had to buy a 6 pack of Mars Bar cookies and I also bought a chocolate bar and threw the wrapper out before I jumped in the car so that J would never know I had it. What is WRONG with me?? I may think I can "con" everybody else but I can't con myself. As if the "hiding" of the food means the calories do not count!!!!!!! I have also started a nasty habit this week of having Dare coffee milk for grose!

Still going to the Gym though so I guess that is something at least. I wonder why I am bothering to pay all this money for the trainer when I stuff it all up with bad eating anyway!! For some people exercise is more important than food for their weight loss. For me, food is MUCH more important than exercise. I could lose weight easily if my food was spot on and I did zero exercise. Unfortunately though, I just can't control myself. I love food.....bad food and lots of it!!!! Just for the record I don't exercise and get no results at all from it......What exercise does do is generally make me eat healthier or, at the very least, it keeps me away from the fridge for an hour!

I so wish I could just be happy with myself for being healthy and fit and not focus on my weight so much. I just can't let this obsession go though!!! I guess I will have bad times and good times and today is just a BAD DAY!

Miss Pinky

1 comment:

KatieP said...

Are you eating enough Miss P? I used to get so hungry that I couldn't resist the yummy bad food. I have discovered that you have to replace some of the calories you burn off exercising immediately with food or you just get too damn hungry.

For me that means a BIG breakfast which is scary because I am then committed to eating less later on in the day. But it works. You don't feel like eating your arm off by 4pm.
