Tuesday, 28 August 2007

Perhaps I am finally on track???

(Me at first Half)

Today is the second day of my “healthy living” plan. At the end of last week I had a good look at myself in the mirror and I was pretty disgusted with my reflection. How could I have let all my hard work go to waste? My stomach is enormous and I just feel so horrible! I tried on a dress on the weekend that I wore all last summer and I could hardly zip it up. When I did manage to get the zip done up, I had a crease in my back from where the fat was overlapping….yuck! I cannot go out and buy new clothes so I need to get some weight off…Simple! The last few weeks I have had no energy at all from all the junk food and the minimal exercise I have been doing so I need to make this change. I want to look in the mirror without feeling absolutely grossed out and I want to be fit again.

Since yesterday I have been eating healthily (no chocolate which is amazing) and I have been for a run both mornings before work. I am already feeling better and a little bit less disgusted at myself. My plan is to exercise 5 days a week (4 runs and one spin class) and try to lose 4kgs by the half marathon, which is 4 weeks away. I will feel so much better running with a little less weight. If I do reach my goal, I will buy a new running outfit for the half marathon as my reward. All in all, I need to lose 8kgs but 4kgs will make me feel much better too!

As much as I hate getting up at 5am to go running, I actually enjoy being out at that time because it is very quiet and I enjoy seeing the sun starting to rise just before I finish. I have only been running 8kms each day and it has actually been pretty hard. How on earth I will run the HM I do not know!!?? On Sunday I am heading to the national park with J to attend a HM training course that they run there. It is an 18km track. I am dreading it because I hate the lower back pain of the last few kms. 18kms will not be as bad as 21kms though….so I should only be in real pain for about 2kms.

I almost forgot to provide an update on the Bankstown Half Marathon……It was so horrible!!!! It was absolutely pouring rain the day of the race but we went along anyway. I was as nervous as anything but started out running at a pretty good pace (6min kms) for the first 7kms. Then….a bad migraine set in. I could not believe my bad luck!!! My vision was so bad that I could hardly see the race marshalls who were directing people which way to go. As such, I went the wrong way for about half a km and had to turn around and find the “right way”. Somehow, I struggled through each kilometre telling myself “Just one more and you can finish”. I ran the whole 21kms. I was so sore….my lower back felt like it was about to snap off from the pain, even though I had applied deep heat at about the 16km mark. I finished in 2 hours 28 mins, which I was happy with. J did 1 hour 47 mins….legend!!! After the run, we basically headed straight home as I felt very sick from my untreated migraine. I threw up out the car window three times on the way home and spent all day and night in bed. For the Blackmores half I will be having nurofen before the run just in case and I will also take some with me. I hate migraines!!!!! A pic of me running the half is at the top of this post. This is a pre-migraine photo.

Work is still good but a little quiet at the moment. There is at least 3 hours each day where I really have nothing to do and I am just struggling to waste time. J and I bought a scooter on the weekend and he is going for his licence on the 18th Sep so after this he will ride himself to and from work. This will give me an extra 3 hours of free time per day so will make my life much more enjoyable. This will mean I will have more time for exercise or walking the dogs or simply to do housework at a reasonable hour. The scooter is so cute…..bright red. It will be so much fun going to the beach on it in Summer.

It is my birthday in 2 and a half weeks…..The big “3-0”!!!! I am actually having a McDonalds party for it as I thought this was the best option for dinner due to the fact that my nieces and nephew are young and don’t eat foods that I like (Thai, etc). I love Maccas anyway so it’s not like I won’t enjoy it. This will be a very naughty meal for me. I will be very good apart from that day to balance things out. I also have the day off work for my birthday and I have a feeling J has organised something special. I am thinking Hot Air Ballooning as he mentioned something about this the other day…..or a night in a hotel. I hope it’s a night in a hotel because I would love to have some relaxing time. Oh well, not long to wait to find out! I can’t wait to get presents….I love presents!!!!!

Well I am off now to “look busy” for a few hours….

Miss Pinky

Tuesday, 14 August 2007

Long Time No Post!

It has been a while, hasn't it?! The reason for the long break in between posts is that my new job is very full-on. I am enjoying it but it is a busy role and the days just fly by....A good thing I guess! I have been there a couple of weeks now and I feel as though I am picking up things pretty quickly.

Running has been virtually non-existent as I have been one lazy hippo.....although I have decided to run in the Bankstown Half Marathon this Sunday. I was due to do a long run anyway so this way I will be forced into it! I will be struggling from a severe lack of preparation and fitness but I am just going to look at it as a practice run for the Blackmores Half.

I didn't run in the City to Surf last Sunday but I did go down there to cheer J on, who did it. I have NEVER seen so many people in one spot! It was so packed that it scared me! J said it was heaps of fun.....people cheering everywhere and giving out lollies, etc along the way. J finished in about 70 mins, which he was happy with. At least he can get in the first pack next year with this time. The runners looked awesome....especially the ones who came in first. Those girls have the best bodies I have ever seen! Unbelievable! I don't think I will ever run in this as the volume of runners would really put me off. Good on all those who did it though! ;-)

J and I are off to Melbourne next weekend for 2 nights. J's best friend is moving OS so we are going to farewell him. As I can't get any time off from work we can only go from Friday night until Sunday but that's OK. It will be plenty of time to eat cakes and biscuits...ha ha ha!!!! I bet it will be freezing so I will be sure to pack for the occasion. I don't really like Melbourne but I love staying in hotels and having some time away from household jobs, etc.

I had a hideous night last night....Jack started throwing up at 4am and threw up about 5 times before it was my real "wake up time". Poor boy! I don't know why he always gets sick?? He has had a blood test and they come up showing he is healthy but there always seems to be something wrong with him. He seems OK now though and is at least drinking water. If he is sick again, I will take him to the Vet. He is off to the Vet on Thursday night anyway as his wound from the operation has a massive lump under it. I will be so upset if they have to operate again. Max is going strong as usual....He is tough as nails....A bit too tough at times!

Well I am off....
Miss Pinky

Monday, 6 August 2007

On The "Up"

I started my new job on Thursday. I really like it....It seems very similar to my old job which I loved. It comes with great benefits too....including the fact that I have today off for the "bank holiday" even though I do not work for a bank! The peple seem nice too....although I am the youngest person in my team. It is so close to where I live (15mins drive) which is great! Although at the moment I still have to drive into the City each day to drop off and pick up J. This will change when we buy a scooter in a few weeks and then I will be home most days by 4.15pm....Excellent!!!

I went for a run last night....about 13kms. This was my first run since last Sunday!!! I have been terribly unmotivated lately. Now that the weather is getting a bit warmer I won't be so slack. I am still planning on doing the half in Sept.....at least at this stage. About 7 weeks to go until it's on I think.

J and I had a very quiet weekend but it was nice. We just took the dogs to a couple of dog parks and spent the rest of the time relaxing at home. On Saturday morning we had a breakfast BBQ which was awesome! Much more exciting than cereal or toast!

I don't have much to say so I shall sign off for now....

Mis Pinky

Wednesday, 1 August 2007

Groundhog Day....

I swear my life is "Groundhog Day"....It just feels as though I re-live the same day over and over again. I am not even working at the moment and I still feel that I have no time to myself to do what I want to do. I am so sick of washing, cleaning, doing dishes, etc. It seems this is all I ever do. I need to do something to change my life and make it more "fun" but I have known this for a long time and I still haven't managed to change anything.

For the second time this year I have decided to withdraw from my Uni course. I have no time for myself now, without adding this to the mix. I didn't even start it or even buy the textbooks so I guess I must not have been that serious about it in the first place!

I start my new job tomorrow. I am feeling really nervous about this....I hate starting new jobs! I think I am really nervous because I have not seen where I will be working. I had my interview in their city office instead. I hope it all goes OK and the people are nice. For the next few weeks, I have to drive 40mins to the City each morning to drop off J and then back 40mins to my work and do the same thing after work. This is until we get a scooter sorted out for J to ride to work. What a hassle!!!

My weight is enormous at the moment, which is making me upset. All the new pants I bought for my new job feel tight and I look like a pygmy hippopotamus in them. They will probably split in half tomorrow...ha ha ha!!!! Because I feel upset, I eat and eat and eat....vicious cycle! I am seriously considering joining Jenny Craig for a while....Before I explode! I have put on about 7kgs since winter started....How grose! Haven't run since Sunday.....Made excuses for the first few days and today I have been feeling really dizzy and light-headed so I gave it a miss. Any excuse will do really.....when you are looking for one!

I got a massive electricity bill yesterday....$758 for the quarter!!! Usually the winter bill is around $250, so I am stressing out about it. I have 3 heaters in my house and a reverse cycle air-con and they have all been working full-time lately due to the cold snap we had. I have also been leaving the air-con on when I go to work because I don't want the dogs to feel the cold. Now, I am very close to living off candles as I can't believe how much this bill is!!!! I wish I could move to a warmer place....or even a smaller house as it may hold the warmth better.

On top of this, Jack had to go to the Vet today and he has a respiratory tract infection. He now has antibiotics and cough syrup. I must say it's great fun trying to syringe cough syrup into a Jack Russell's mouth! I think myself and the wall got more of it than him! Why is this dog always sick??? I feel so sorry for him. He is really sad, the gorgeous boy. At least it's not anything serious.

All in all, a pretty shitty time for me. I am feeling rather down and need something to cheer me up and QUICK! Pity I don't drink alcohol......ha ha ha!!!! Sorry for this "sad" post! I am sure I will be happy again soon....

Miss Pinky