Tuesday, 19 August 2008

Jenny Update

Jenny Craig is going really well. I have lost 3.5kgs so far and that is after only 8 days on the program. I know most of this is just due to my body being “in shock” from the change in calories but I am happy nonetheless. It is really expensive though but I should only be on it for about another 2 months at the most, so in the meantime I will just grin and bear the extra cost. Most of the food is really nice, which makes it easier but I am getting a little sick of the salad and steamed vegies I have to add to both my lunch and dinner every day. I don’t know what I would do without balsamic vinegar!

Exercise is on track. I have discovered a new running route near my house so this has been good for breaking up the boredom. I am now officially in training for my half marathon in September and this means a long run once a week (14-18K), combined with 2-3 shorter runs (7-10K) and one Body Attack class (as a break from running). I would usually do the long run on the weekend but as I am going to Noosa this weekend, I wanted to do it during the week but “daylight hours” are an issue. I will work it out anyway.

I did a 14K run with J on Sunday and I found the “tank” was completely empty at around the 12K mark. I have never experienced this before as generally I am a big eater but my low calorie diet is obviously not doing me any favours where the long run is concerned. So, I have decided to add a bit to my menu on the days I run longer…..nothing major….maybe just an extra 200 calories to give me some extra fuel. I also ran the whole run on Sunday without music….which is amazing for me! At least I know I can do it if I need to.

I had a problem at work with a colleague who sat only about a metre away from my desk but is a heavy smoker and always smells like cigarettes (not sure if I mentioned it here??)…..anyway, I ended up saying something to my Boss because it all got too much and the smoker has now been moved to a different desk. It is such a relief to be able to breathe easily at work and not smell offensive things. Although a couple of people at my work (including the smoker) only talk to me now on a “need to” basis. They are in their 40’s…..so VERY mature of them! I don’t care anyway as I have done nothing wrong and they can gossip until they cough their little lungs out! Point is, I can now come to work without dreading sitting there all day. They had nothing of real value to talk about anyway so I don’t miss their conversations.

J got his tax refund yesterday and he is giving me a little “present”. I am trying to work out what to buy as my present and I am thinking of some sunglasses for running….Rudi Project ones seem excellent….around $300-$400 but they last forever. It’s funny how my “wish list” mainly consists of running gadgets these days!


Miss LJ said...

Jenny sounds like its working for you!! But I like your idea of adding in more calories when you run - wouldn't wanting you to collapse!

Yes, I have GT2130's. Is that what you have? If yes, do you like them? I'm actually finding them a bit flat compared to my Nike's, and a very painful calf muscle.

Enjoy your trip to Noosa, hope J does well in his run. I'm so impressed with all these marathons you do - I certianly don't have the stamina for that.

Take care!!

emharvie said...

Glad it is all going so well! Definitely sounds like you need to fuel up before the big run though.
All I want is running gadgets too - skins, heart rate monitor, sunglasses, shoes... not sure what happened to my usual list of clothes and heels!

Anonymous said...

get him to buy the dirtiest lingerie he can find, and give it to you in a big red box tied with a big ribbon.

get a taxi to the airport.

get on a plane to melbourne.

come see kitty.


MISS PINKY said...

Miss lj-yes I have the same shoes. I love them! Do you know they come in widths? I didn't know until about a year ago when my feet were really hurting in a pair and I realised I had an "A" width shoe (for narrow feet). I now have "D" width for my fat piglet feet. The width is shown on the inside of the tongue of the shoe. Having said that, everybody's feet are different so maybe Asics don't work so well with your feet?? Nothing worse than sore feet!!!

Emharvie - Yep...I used to be the same....always liking to dress up in pretty dresses and heels. Now I actually enjoy the comfort of being in sports gear. A bit sad really! I have 2 wardrobes full of pretty stuff and can't be bothered wearing them.

Kitty - Well, what can I say Kitty??!!! There really is nothing more to say is there?? Ha ha ha!!!