Tuesday 18 December 2007

Xmas Countdown

Only one week to go until Xmas.....How exciting!!! Exciting for you guys....Not so exciting for me who has to go to Melbourne and hang out with people who obviously do not like me! Enough of that as there is nothing I can do about it......Just need to "grin and bear it" for a day or two. On the upside, at least I will be able to relax in the hotel room and I don't have to do any cleaning or house stuff for a few days!

I have all my Xmas shopping finished. I ended up going halves with J in this beautiful watch he wanted. He seems impressed so that is the main thing. He got me these lovely earrings I wanted and there are some other pressies under the tree. The shops are so crowded in my area at the moment. If you don't arrive before the shops open, you won't find a park at all. Luckily I live within walking distance so it is not a major deal for me.....That is, unless I decide to buy bags of cement or a BBQ or something!

Speaking of BBQ's.....I am having a few people over this Saturday for a Xmas BBQ. We are having turkey on the BBQ and some other tasty goodies. It should be nice! Although this does mean I have to do much cleaning this week to get ready. I am very fussy about having a clean house and would die if people saw it dirty. Not that it is "dirty"....I just need to do some dusting and scrub the bathrooms.

I finish at work on Friday and have 2 weeks leave which I am HANGING out for!!!! Although I still have to be "on call" for customers and spend about a day doing end of month processing. At least it is from home though, which is much better than being in the office. I wish I had someone to cover properly for me at work so I could have a proper break but the elderly man who is my "cover" would have no clue how to issue invoices, pay invoices, etc. He is rather computer illiterate. By the time I showed him what to do, I may as well do it myself.

My dogs have gone mad I think.....Jack is the nice one who is very soft and gentle. Well, not last night!!!! We went to the dog park and a staffie put her paws up on my leg and Jack attacked her. It was full-on and he gave no warning of what he was about to do. I was so embarrassed! I am just really lucky that the staffie didn't bite him hard or he could have been killed. In the end there was no blood so that is always a good sign. He has had a couple of fights lately. This worries me because he is normally so placid! Max is the psycho one and I understand that because he was so badly abused before we got him. Jack has had the most "cushy" life possible and has no reason to be aggressive. He also killed a bird on Friday night, which was disgusting. I found it on Saturday morning and screamed my head off. I have no idea how he managed to catch it??? The trials and tribulations of dog ownership, hey?! Sometimes I wonder if kids would be easier.....Then again, I certainly couldn't leave kids home alone with a bone while I went to work!!

Diet has been fairly bad and exercise non-existent. I basically just eat when I feel like it. I have been sick lately, with dizziness, headaches and migraines. I was at the Gym last Wednesday night and half-way through a Body Attack class I got a migraine and had to leave. The migraine was accompanied by tingling arms and feet so I got J to take me to hospital because I thought I was having a stroke. Brain scans and blood tests were all clear so I am not sure what is wrong with me?? Needless to say, I am scared to be at the Gym when I am so dizzy. It is probably not a great idea. Or perhaps this is my "excuse" and I am just plain lazy??? I will see how I am feeling after Xmas anyway......Maybe some rest will be good for me.

Well it is time for me to resume my net surfing now. Work is very quiet at the moment because everyone has wound down for Xmas already. A big "hello" to Tiny Donna!!!! I hope you are recovering well and enjoying the shopping!!!

Over and Out
Miss Pinky


Anonymous said...

ooh ooh come hang out with me in melbourne! yayyyyy!

my 2008 goal is to meet pinky!

blues buffett said...

Hmmm tingling. From my experience, that meant compressed disc c5/6 which simply required chiro work. Perhaps also related to migraines?
If you know a good chiro, I strongly recommend a visit, especially if the tingling continues - and you would need to get XRays then C Scan first to confirm compression. Enjoy your Christmas break. Hope your NY resolutions are achievable.
PS Don't forget there's another coolrunning community on Facebook!