Friday 12 October 2007

The Weight Dilemma

I am not feeling the best today….For some reason I have developed a stomach ache and I feel very tired. Probably my body trying to tell me it is sick of all the junk food and it wants to get healthy again!! Although nothing seems to be able motivate me at the moment. I ran on Monday and Wednesday, 8kms each time and with some hills on Wednesday also. The runs were so hard because of this extra weight I am carrying and also because I have been so inconsistent with my running for the past few months. I hate feeling so unfit but obviously my love for high calorie food is stronger than my desire to lose weight……or else I would do something about it!

So many of my clothes are tight on me at the moment, so I just don’t wear them. I stick to the clothes that are loose and don’t make me feel uncomfortable. I tried to wear a pair of pants to work today but they felt so awful that I changed into a big baggy skirt instead. Mind you, these pants were so loose 2 years ago, that I considered throwing them out. Even my bras are now tight on me and dig in.

Where has my motivation gone and why on earth am I letting all my hard work go to waste? I am hating myself so much at the moment for my lack of self control. It is just disgusting! I also have my 8km run on Sunday, which will kill me due to my lack of fitness. Rather than just talking about joining Jenny Craig again, I think I need to “bite the bullet” and do it! If I could lose a few kilos I would feel so much better. Unfortunately, at the moment, when I have a choice as to which foods I eat, I choose the stuff I shouldn’t be eating and my serves are just too big.

I need to set out a food and exercise plan and actually stick to it!!

Enjoy your weekend and please return my motivation if you find it!

Miss Pinky.

1 comment:

Juli said...

I could almost have written the part about the clothes myself. I'm on my second day of going back to Weight Watchers. I've done Jenny Craig too, but I like Weight Watchers better because it is easier to eat with other people, eat out, and you still get to have junk food in moderation. Plus it's easier to follow long term to keep the weight off (as I was doing until I got sick and ...)

I think Weight Watchers can be cheaper too, because even though you pay to go, you get to buy your own food at the grocery store and so can fit what you are eating to your budget. You might want to look into it.