Monday, 25 February 2008

1 Wedding and an Operation

Today I have a bad case of Mondayitis. J and I went to a wedding last night and didn’t get to sleep until about 1am….This is very late for me, especially on a “school night”. The wedding was really lovely. It was a Greek wedding and everything was done correctly and certainly not “on the cheap”…..basically all Greek weddings are quite extravagant though. Much of the service and the reception was in Greek so I am not really sure of too much that went on. I think J and I were the only non-Greeks there!! I think the main reason I had a good time is that I was wearing the most beautiful dress with the most beautiful heels and for the first time in a long time I felt “attractive”.

I have been really good with my “healthy living” so I am feeling good about myself. I swear that going off the pill has had such an awesome impact on my appetite….I am so much less hungry than before. I used to watch the clock and count down the minutes until each meal and now I find that my stomach starts grumbling before I realise it is lunch time. Another positive from going off the pill (or at least I think it is because of this) is my insatiable sexual appetite. I want sex every night now and before I used to do it probably once a week but that seemed too much for me. J must be loving this new state of affairs. Problem is that now we must use condoms and they are the grossest things! I am always paranoid he will “get too close” during the foreplay and I will get pregnant. If we ever get around to actually having a baby, J can get “the snip” afterwards. This will make life much easier!

I am still frequenting the Gym and I am still seeing my trainer. I am so dedicated at the moment that I even went for a run yesterday because I knew I would feel too tired today after my late night yesterday. I feel so much stronger and so much more confident. The next time I slip into my bad old patterns I need to remember how good “being healthy” feels. I am enjoying not hating myself at the moment.

My food has been pretty much perfect. I stick to between 1200-1500 calories a day. In 3 weeks, I have had 2 days of very bad eating and the rest has been right on track. I am still sitting at the same weight (65 kilos….Just over 3 kilos down from when I started) but I think I look so much better. I don’t really buy into the “muscle weighs more than fat” thing but I do think I look as though I have lost more than 3 kilos.

Things with J are so awesome at the moment…..Probably due to the massive increase in sexual frequency…ha ha ha!!!!!! It feels like when we were first together. We are really close and cuddle all the time and are much nicer to each other too. I can’t believe how much our relationship has turned around since November last year. It is amazing! I never thought we would get back to this place again. J’s friend is getting married in London in September so we are thinking of going to that and using it as an excuse to go to Paris and Rome. Man….I will eat my head off in those countries!!!! I will need to get to at least 5 kilos below where I want to be to give myself some “eating room”.

So my exercise plan for this week is as follows:
Mon: Rest Day (ran Sunday instead)
Tues: 20 mins run plus 30 mins trainer
Weds: 1 hour Body Attack
Thurs: 20 mins run plus 30 mins trainer
Fri: 20 mins run plus 30 mins trainer
Sat: 1 hour Boxing
Sun: Rest Day

On a sad note, it looks as though my dog, Jack, will be needing an operation. A few weeks ago he started to limp on his back leg for no reason. He will be having an X-Ray this week and the Vet thinks he has torn a knee ligament. If this is the case, the operation will be about $1200 and there is no guarantee it will stop him limping. He is only 2 years old though and loves running so much….so I need to at least give the operation a go. This will be his 2nd operation in 2 years. Dogs can be so expensive….You just never know what can go wrong. Despite the expense, I hate seeing him all sad and in pain after operations and I just hate leaving him at the Vet all day. I love my dogs to bits!

Miss Pinky.

1 comment:

Miss LJ said...

Well Miss PInky... sounds like things are going rather well for oyu in ALL areas (wink wink!!).

Glad to hear you are keeping on track and are enjoying being healthy!! I so need to get back to that place.... slowly but surely.

Hope all will be OK with your dog... its so sad when animals are in pain, cause you don't always know what to do to help them.

Take care